Sorry to say, but Hive is a dying project we must do something if we want to see it prosper we need significant changes on Hive we cannot allow bad downvotes or let those with mined stake downvote legit content and comments


Sorry to say, but Hive is a dying project we must do something if we want to see it prosper we need significant changes on Hive we cannot allow bad downvotes or let those with mined stake downvote legit content and comments we cannot allow those with mined stake to vote on proposals and other matters it's not fair to the larger Hive Community it doesn't give others a chance.

On Hive all curators must be trained on how to properly curate rather than just favouring the same circle of mates and family it just looks stupid as Hive is a very small community.

We must stop bloody promoting the same shit content no one cares about and we must not keep shilling hopeless projects with no future as it only reflects badly on Hive as a whole and it could cause people to invest and lose everything we ought to stop painting Hive as immaculate when it's far from it we see the shillers some may pretend they can't see the flaws they pretend they are here for the tech all while farming the shit out of Hive, but that won't do anything for Hive.

Hive has good tech but lacks the expertise; let's be honest we need smarter people at the top who can do what they're meant to do it's time to fucking wake up no amount of fake publicity promotions hypes or donations will help Hive change is needed we witness too much capital being spent on unnecessary things trash garbage that doesn't benefit Hive; it's just another way for those at the top to take some more free money.

Many of you have no idea what's going on behind the scenes; Hive can be dark and uninviting to all. If you're well-connected on Hive, you'll do well once they put you on auto votes.

Readers if you see anything wrong with this post, please comment.

Hive Police Mark our words; the truth always comes to light.

Please do check out our other posts that were downvoted by the Hive Police and gang for no reason no comments left it just proves that reputation on Hive means nothing and you can not speak the truth.

On hive high rep, you must be part of the gang. Low rep means no support, and negative rep used to mean you did something wrong but now, we can't trust it as many bad downvotes are given out by those who farm Hive the most.

Posted using Bilpcoin
