Family First Before Work.


Bad days are inevitable. There are days that won't turn out well for you, Whether at your business or working place. Just accept this facts.


Irrespective of how bad your day went, please don't come back home and put all the anger on your innocent family, they are not the cause.

Working shows you are now an adult, there should be show of maturity. If your boss made you angry at work, you should have the guts to clear issues with him, don't wait till you go back home to take out on your children and wife.

Your family should be the one to enjoy your happiness, and not to suffer your anger. If you only have just one smile and joy, Share it with your family.

Don't give the best version of yourself to your boss who doesn't care about your happiness and your worst self to your family. Give all the loyalty and respect to your family first before any other. It is very wrong to treat the people who will be there for you when you are down badly because you are familiar with them.

Treat People who will bury you when you are gone better than those who will bury your body in work.
