My journey in Beading.

It's a beautiful weekend and I feel so elated participating in week one hundred and six [WE106] of #weekend-engagement. And as far as this weekend engagement is concerned, I'll be writing on the question below.


Right from my primary school days, I had this unexplainable love for creative stuffs. I could literally spend hours admiring creative stuffs or generating creative ideas but my father wasn't in support of such as his plans for me was to become a full time Doctor. I never threw away this passion of mine as I secretly nurtured it.

After my secondary education, I decided to narrow down my area of interest and discovered that I had great love for Beads. My eyes were quick to spot bracelets in the hands of anyone or chokers, anklets and waist beads alike. This drive continually burned in me till I relocated to Uyo as I got admission into the university. School activities took most of my time as I had to focus on the first two years. I later realized that my heart wasn't in the course I was offering as I applied for it based on pressure from my Dad.

Luckily for me, I found a friend who was already into The Art Of Beading and she decided to teach me the little she knew. I learnt all she taught and opted to help her market her products so I could get a little commission to begin my own business.

Then Lockdown happened. For some reason I was grateful it happened as it gave me the opportunity to surf the internet for bead ideas and also those that were already top in that field. I also took out the opportunity to enroll in a bead making masterclass on WhatsApp and this increased my skill.

Finally after the Lockdown, I did a quick market survey to find out where I could get materials for my work and that was how my journey began.

I started out by making free beaded accessories to different persons who later got to talk about my brand to their friends and colleagues.

My skill and expertise got into the ears of a top notch fashion house and we sealed a collaboration deal.


I also got the opportunity to partner with another brand involved in bead making to deliver different sets of waist beads in large quantities to a fitness company in the United States of America.


As one who is eager to learn more, I learnt about the best bead artist in Calabar, Cross River state, Nigeria and I submitted to him for mentorship. It has been an amazing experience learning from him virtually and I finally got to meet with him physically this year.


When I started out my brand, it wasn't easy as I had to re-invest all my profits into the business and this has helped grown my business quickly. Personally, I take out time to think creatively and this has helped me create amazing creative designs.


I can proudly say my works have been patronized in nothing less than ten (10) states here in Nigeria and also not less than two (2) foreign countries. And Yes, we are not relenting as we look forward to doing more.


Currently, I'm teaching some students the Art Of Beading and also phone photography virtually. This beautiful dream of mine has introduced me to different bead artists both home and abroad.

Thank you for your reading through.

I remain your favourite writer, Blackdovy.


Hey @blackdovy

That is a truly inspirational story, I think it is so wonderful to read that you have stuck to your guns and continue to learn more as well. Keep that passion for your craft alive and you'll go far.

Thanks for your post 🌻


Thank you very much for reading through.

I'm glad I sticked to my passion...thank you for your kind wishes.
