60 something guitar player, retired, lay-about (or maybe retired lay-about) with too much time and not enough money!
Amo mi casa maestra psicopedagoga vendedora reparadora acuariana madre de tres. Y que la vida los trate amablemente a todos.that life treats them kindly to all
0.09881924 BEE
Vote Value
0.00000852 BEE
Zak Ludick
Writer of Fantasy Fiction, philosophy and free advice. I am a Safety Officer with a handful of certifications in the Air-conditioning trade
0.7311663 BEE
Vote Value
0.00006305 BEE
Claire Mobey
songwriter, vocalist, musician, baker, mom of 3, philanthropist, creative writer, historical, political and socio-economical enthusiast
0.01864135 BEE
Vote Value
0.00000161 BEE