The Bane of the Nigerian Society

Electricity is the bane of almost every neighborhood in Nigeria.

It is either they are battling a decayed transformer, stolen cable, or epileptic power supply.

In most cases, the residents do not even help matters as they are culpable in the Power problem.

In every area or neighborhood where they seem to be battling with electrical distribution, the renumeration the electrical distribution company realize from these areas are usually very low.

It is no news that some Nigerians has resorted to bypass even with their prepaid meters. Thus, they use electricity for free without paying for it, which is one of the major culprit of poor power supply.

The thing is, the more electricity tariff the Power company is able to scoop from a particular area, the more resources will be made available for a reasonable amount or hours of power to be supplied.

In my previous neighborhood where I recently relocated from, we were basically contributing thousands of Naira individually to fix our transformer that will always get bad after two months. Before I had relocated, we had stayed a month plus without electricity as everyone was tired of the nonsense.

There was a time a new transformer was available and the Power committee of my neighbourhood was bidding for it. But we lost that bid as the transformer was given to another community who were up to date with the payment of their electricity bill.


Few days after I had gotten home, something happened with the security in my neighborhood were we live.

Now I have been in this neighborhood since childhood and I have seen first hand lots of failed attempt at security.

You know, we have had a long standing law, where by keke Napep are not allowed after a certain hour just cars and the cars also have their time limit.

Me I do not have a car and I use to be a night traveller back then. I was one time coming from Lagos with lots of lighting that would be needed in Sapele for an offshore job.

I had gotten to my area quite late and was locked out. All attempts to get in with the keke drop I was in, proved abortive as the security people asked me to be carrying the lighting one by one to my house that is very far away in the next street.

I placed a call to the security chairman and he told me the law is the law and it cannot be bent to suit me. As much as I wanted to get it hot with them, I just let it go and called my people at home to come assist in carrying the lightings so we could be fast.

In another completely different scenario, we have this one time house of assembly member in my street. In the past when he was still in office, he was coming back from their usual late night meetings and he was locked out.

He could not get any security at the gate so he ordered his guards to break the gate key.

They did, gained access and no one said anything. Infact he disbanded the security at the time and for a long time the street gates were left opened.

Fast forward to recent times, we now have a vigilante system that ought to be very rigid with the law.

We also now have two hotels in my street and every dead in the night we will be hearing keke sound coming to drop and pick people up.

The same law that could not be bent to suit me a private individual in distress, is now bent to suit those in business. More painfully, in a street we are all residence of, paying equal security fee.

The unfair treatment that finally broke the Camel's back was, I recently got to know some top profile residents has a copy of the street gate key, of which they can access the street at anytime.

For a very long time I have held on to this grievances, waiting on that day we'd have a neighborhood meeting so I can unleash it.

Then the unimaginable happened, the cable to the transformer mounted in my street got stolen. This unfortunate incidence, has caused some of the residents connected to it to experience blackout. Yesterday being a public holiday, a neighborhood meeting was called solely for that incidences but I had felt it would be good time to air my grievances so I got dressed to attend.

Unfortunately as I was headed there, I saw people leaving as the meeting was over. But as I was taking a walk back home, I over heard some of the people who attended the meeting saying they had resolved that the security will be disbanded because we can't be paying heavily for security and still get our items stolen and the transformer tempered with.

I also overhead another group discussing the amount of money needed to replace the stolen cable is One million, five hundred thousand Naira only, which is a lot of money. Personally, I feel the cables are still somewhere and the so called security people just want to make some cool cash off the neighborhood.

The circumstances surrounding the cable theft is just too clean to not be an inside job. Regardless, disbanding the security is not at all a wise decision either especially at this trying times.


This post is a response to the April day 9 inleo prompt. Feel free to participate here

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

0.25136850 BEE

While I agree with most of the grievances numerated here, I don’t agree with the part of power supply. We know that the PHCN are extorting more than is needed from the masses. I am a living witness of their cruelty. They make more than enough to provide 24/7 power supply and it has been voiced even by the current president. Transformers should be free. The Power Holding Company of Nigeria is just another private organisation that makes their fat from the sweat and blood of the masses.

Sadly, Nigerians just making life hard for fellow Nigerians.

0E-8 BEE

I can tell you for a fact that there are places in this country that do enjoy 24 hours power supply because I have witness them. There is a line called federal line and the power rarely goes out.

If you are also lucky to live in a company area especially oil and gas, you will enjoy this privileges. The electricity bill they pay is never same compared to places with epileptic power supply. I say this from experience because I have lived in both worlds.

Before now, in my former compound, we were paying a Thousand Naira monthly for electricity. The bill was coming Eighteen to Twenty thousand Naira estimated, we were Eight and we will share it 1k each amounting to 8k, the remaining 10 or 12k will enter backlog. So many estimated bills has backlog amounting to millions.

While I know the DISCOS like every capitalist are profit oriented, the consumers are not innocent and should not be exonerated because it takes two to tangle.

During the time we pay 1k each for power, the electricity was beyond epileptic as we rarely see it. Before I left the compound, when we started having electricity, we started paying 5k each instead of 1k and the accumulated bill increased to 40k. You must clear all the bill else the disconnect your light. During that time, we were having at least 12hours power supply then.

You see? the more the tariff paid, the higher the hours of power supplied.

Similarly, my friend was complaining how he pays 30k monthly for electricity and I ask him how many hours? he said the power never goes out. I now asked him to calculate the cost of petrol or diesel in running generation back to back let us check something. He immediately realized that power is by far cheaper.

The President is saying what exactly? is He better than the electrical distribution company he condemns?

The thing is the rich will ALWAYS get richer at the expense of the poor. Hence Herbert Spencer postulated the survival of the fittest theory.

0E-8 BEE

The issue of electric cable theft is always amusing. The last cable theft that happened on a street close to mine happened on a night when it was raining heavily. The thief didn't even think of getting electrocutedπŸ˜‚

0E-8 BEE

lmfaooo πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ no respect for life ,πŸ˜‚

0E-8 BEE

Happy birthday... again! hahaha...

This epilectic service made me laugh. Hey, from what I read, the situation is critical. I am very sorry, I hope they can resolve it sooner rather than later and without spending millions of naira.

0E-8 BEE

It is already a bad situation when politicians and local bureaucrats don't do their work properly. But when people also start bending the law it makes matter worse. i completely agree with you on both these issues. In our case it happens with landline telecom too. When we moved new to our area there were not a lot of buildings here. We asked the public telephone company to connect but they refused to cater to our area. the reason given was that all their cables have been stolen by the locals :( Hope things get better in our countries soon.

Cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife.

And Happy bday! :)

0E-8 BEE

Thanks for coming through #dreemer. It's a long walk to a better life but I know we'd get there someday ❀️

7.2E-7 BEE

A very normal thing in Nigeria πŸ˜….
That stolen cable are much still within. Once the money is contribution, they will purchase the same stolen cable πŸ˜…

0E-8 BEE

That is what I told my mom πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚, it is the stolen cable they will sell back for that 1.5m

0E-8 BEE

And give it one year again, it'll occur and same process πŸ˜…

0E-8 BEE

When they say no one is above the law, they always mean people who are considered to have low profile. I am not surprised that they have spare keys to the gate.

The issue of The Power Holding Company is another thing entirely.

I came in from dreemport.

0E-8 BEE

Very painful sha, but all of us go meet for up 🀝🏿

0E-8 BEE

This is one of the reasons why we have a weak judiciary system in Nigeria or should I say people don't longer believe in the capabilities of the law which is because the same law that are enforced to bind average people are bent to suit the needs of the elite. This is the issue your community is facing, it is only when everyone is held equally by the law that will ensure strict compliance to it.

Pop in from #dreemport

0E-8 BEE

That is Rule of law which has long been bastardized.

0E-8 BEE