The Hive Application Network for Wax NFT Artist, Gamers , And Collectors!


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We've touched on a lot in our guide to this point. We've looked at many strategies you can use to get your content seen across the platform.

And although I've been talking about things mostly point of view of a blogger, it's important to remember that Hive is WAY more than just a blogging platform that you can use to tokenize your blogging content.

This is way more than

Hive is really a robust application Network. We have applications dedicated to video content, sharing pictures, podcasting, e-commerce, streaming, microblogging, question-and-answer platforms, apps for creating polls, ai powered content recommendation apps, travel, and more!

We really have some great developers on here that make some really amazing platforms for us to communicate with each other within and outside of the Hive Network.

To get started checking things out, I'd suggest visiting Hive Ecosystem Page at

But remember this is just a great place to START, there are even more apps than what we have posted to this page that you can use to create and share content on the Hive Blockchain.

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With all that being said there are some strategies that you can use to help you get your content seen throughout the platform.

The first strategy with the apps, is to find ones that you like and figure out how to use them very well.

If you're a person who likes to share pictures online, Peakd, Ecency, and are great, but Liketu is an awesome app dedicated to sharing pictures that other users go to curate pictures!

People have used apps dedicated to the type of content they like to share to grow on the platform a lot quicker than they would have if they had just stuck solely to Peakd or Ecency.

Just using different apps for what they are from time to time helps to get your profile in front of different Hive accounts, and depending on how you use different platforms, they could be used to create a more personal relationship with your audience.

Another great strategy with the apps requires you to be active on the platform and "in the know".

But if you can get onto a good app early and post consistently through its growth, you have the potential to grow your Hive Power and reach the platform at a pretty fast pace.

Some of the apps on Hive are able to delegate lots of Hive power to curators of their platforms early on. This means there's a high potential to get big upvotes on new platforms if you're creating quality content on those platforms.

And depending on how early you get started posting on those apps, you have a lot higher chance of getting seen by curators if you get to posting on the app before they get popular.

The main takeaway of today's post is that Hive is a whole application network. This is a lot more than a blogging platform.

Learning how to leverage the different tools here on Hive has the potential to bring more value to your content-sharing experience for both yourself and your audience.

Be sure to check out the next post where I'll be going into more detail on some specific apps.

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The Fountain podcast app is the only app that rewards both listeners and podcasters for the value they bring to the platform.

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Use the link or referral code below to support the show and set started earning Bitcoin NOW!

Referral Code: @CoinRunner7-ceb06f47c5

Tutorial: How to redeem referral codes in the fountain app!

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The Uncle Project Podcast


My Blog's Magical Lightning Address

Any Lightning BTC sent to this address will be converted to Hive and sent to @bigtakosensei
My Bitcoin lightning address that turns lightning bitcoin into Hive for the account @bigtakosensei
Support the blog using Lightning BTC by scanning the QR code above or at the lightning address: [email protected]
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Thank you so much for your support of my @v4vapp proposals in the past, my previous one expired this week.

I'd be really happy if you would continue supporting my work by voting on this proposal for the next 6 months:

Additionally you can also help this work with a vote for Brianoflondon's Witness using KeyChain or HiveSigner

If you have used I'd really like to hear your feedback, and if you haven't I'd be happy to hear why or whether there are other things you want it to do.
