Wild Starter Cards: A Game-Changing Update in Splinterlands


Hello Splinterlands players, how are you, I hope you have had a good season and your season is going well so far, a lot has changed in the last few weeks, dare I say, in just one week, now you have made it to your notice that the wild Starter cards may not be able to do that in the format, you may not be able to be visible because they have been removed in the update of the new game. What do you think or is the decision good or wrong? No, we believe that this is good for the game because now people will have to invest a little more in the game because earlier their cards were available for free but now if they have to use that card to play now they do not have to. For that, they will have to be bought. Yes, the value of many cards is very high so you can get good cards even for less money. If you used to play with free star cards then you will need to buy them and that is good too. Because doing this will have a huge impact on the game, people will play a little more and buy or maybe whatever the renting it, overall it will have a good impact on the Oval and the game.

weekly updates.jpg

Do you think these new updates are good or maybe there should be some more strings in the day? If you play the Modern format, you can probably still cast these cards, but in Wild, you can't cast star cards at all. This small update will make a lot of difference because many bot accounts play only with star cards and do reward farming, perhaps this will make a lot of difference in those accounts, I think what do you think is possible? Although nothing is perfect, by making some changes over time, things can be brought a little closer to perfect. People find some way or the other to express themselves because I believe that this is nature, people amplify themselves according to the problems or conditions and perhaps these things make them human. Now you can buy more cards with Glint Token, which has recently come in the new update and which is a good update, according to me, you can buy only common, rare, epic and legendary cards directly. With your earned Glint tokens.

This update seemed quite good to me because now you will get more options to use your Glint tokens. Shortly, you will find even more uses for it, so if you want to increase your earnings, you can do this in your staked SPS. By increasing and renting more cards, it will make a lot of difference in your earning records. Nowadays the price of SPS is also low so this is a good opportunity to do it. I am staking SPS on time nowadays, I have stocked around 5.5k SPS and I am trying my best to keep increasing the sps slowly because right now The price is quite low so I think it is a good opportunity to get as many SPS as possible and it has many benefits for you. Firstly, you are getting good APR on Staked SPS and your Battle Glint Token earning will also increase as per the number of SPS staked.


Screenshot from Splinterlands.com

Although there are a lot of things in this game where you can invest I found Battle to be the best option because in this you get to learn something new and I believe that you all have to learn something new and if you don't No, if you try new strategies, you get a lot of pleasure when it becomes successful. Yes, every time you win the battle, it becomes possible to do so, but when you win and predict your opponent's card, then the happiness after that is different. If you have also experienced this, then you can tell me. You must be able to understand what I want to say. Last time I had tried to play in the modern format also but there were many good players there so it became very difficult for me to reach the top points there but still, I managed to reach around 1000 ratings and this time I will try to beat that I can go a little higher, rest let's see what happens, only time will tell.

Earlier I used to face a lot of difficulties in reaching the Diamond League but now since the new rating system, I am easily reaching Diamond and by the end of the season I am also going to Champions but the batters in Champions are very high. According to me, they are top because there are selected players, whom everyone can't face, I don't consider myself capable enough to face them at every and yet whenever there is a good person. Players of the same level feel very happy when they find the fun cycle of each. Hope you too would have experienced the same thing when you defeat players with good-level cards with your strategy, the joy of time and happiness is of a different level.

I just request you all to keep an eye on the regular updates of the game and try not to miss any updates because if you miss them, it can create trouble for you and keep battling. Share and keep teaching, this is life and you have succeeded in doing it, you don't accept it, you don't try, and sometimes even using strategy makes a difference.

Call this an Action:

If you are not playing the Splinterlands and Golem Overlord games then feel free to join my referral 😁

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My HoloZing Referral
My kryptogamers Referral


see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

All the Images are Made Via Canva unless otherwise noted.

Translated via Google Translator, The content is original.

Thanks a lot for staying till the end 😃🙏, Let me know what you think.

Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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Thanks & Regards

-----Together we will make this a better place-----


I haven’t played this Splinterland game before and I don’t know how it works but then I find it interesting with your post.



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