The Intersection of Art and Technology: My Friend’s Experience

Just a few days ago I met a friend of mine, he is a very good Artist, I have been trying to join him on Hive for a long time but for some reason, I could not do so, sometimes I was not getting time and sometimes he was not getting time, then something happened to him that I could not talk about it either. Last week I went to his house and talked about the work, I told him how you can join here by putting your content, believe he is a very good Artist, last week I created his account but maybe it will take some time for him to make his inter posts because all this is new for him, but I hope he will come to the platform soon and make a splash here. Believe me, when you see his art, you will also enjoy it a lot, I was also very happy to see his art, although I had seen his art on Instagram only, but that day I saw a lot of art in front of my eyes, it was a different experience and it felt very interesting to see everything.


That friend of mine told me that a lot has changed now. Earlier he used to get a lot of orders for drawing but now there has been a slight decrease in it but still some people prefer handmade paintings and art and I believe this is a very good thing even though AI and technology have made many things around us easy but for many people all these things have become difficult. Especially for artists, I believe that they are very creative. You will find that you can create amazing art in just a few minutes but the thing about humanity is different. AI will create content and the meaning will be according to its existing database but the thinking of a human is unlimited, he can think anything and can become anything, it all depends on his imagination and what he thinks. There are many amazing artists but there are many reasons due to which they become successful.

Nowadays no matter how much skill you have, if you do not know how to promote yourself online then you get left behind. You must have also seen how people on Instagram create a reels of their art and gather a good number of followers and this is a very good thing. Yes, their art is also good but they also have a different kind of talent which is content creation. They display things in such a way that people are attracted to them and by doing this, they get a lot of promotion and their content goes viral as well as their earnings also increase. Many people are fans of handmade art and they like everything I believe that even though people have entered the world of AI art and people have also earned a lot of money by becoming NFTs, but nothing is beyond human creativity and the human mind.



No matter how much technology advances, ultimately it is all a product of the human mind, so in the end, the thing is that no one is more creative and intelligent than humans. When my friend told me that since IA came here, his earnings has changed a lot, I felt very sad and now it is difficult to do this work, but perhaps in the coming time we will understand the value of things and will use it ourselves because an artist sits for hours to complete any painting or art and whatever he makes, his image emerges in a way. A lot depends on the mood of a person, if your mood is good, then you will make a good painting, if your mood is sad, then you will make a different kind of painting and it takes a lot of time to make a painting. My friend also showed me his ongoing projects, he was working on about three projects simultaneously and I was very happy to see it. You will be happy to know that his paintings have been made not only locally but also for people living in different states in India and he has also shared many paintings on his Instagram handle, I will not share its link with you right now,

but I hope that you will soon make a post in a Hive platform and soon you will get a chance to know them. So in the end I would just like to say that no matter how much technology advances, it can never challenge the creativity of an artist because machines and no matter how much technology advances, their a limit to it but a human being has no limits, he can do anything and can become anything through his art, this is perhaps the beauty of being a human being.

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see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

All the Images are Made Via Canva unless otherwise noted.

Translated via Google Translator, The content is original.

Thanks a lot for staying till the end 😃🙏, Let me know what you think.

Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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Thanks & Regards

-----Together we will make this a better place-----


It is quite obvious that the usage of AI to generate art related stuff will definitely have more impact on artist compared to others. I have seen some incredible art that were generated through AI and I can tell you that they are extraordinary, sometimes it is had to tell the difference.


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I hope your friend will join our Hive World soon. I have much respect for art and artists. It really hurts when AI takes the position of human art. We have to discourage it otherwise creativity will be switched off from human minds. It is sad to know that the orders for paintings and sketches decreased due to Ai. I hope, your friend will understand the power of advertisements on social medi to attract a good traffic of followers.

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Technology can provide what is already done or programmed there. In case of creative and innovative thoughts technology is helpless. So in case of replace artist its nearly impossible.


Technology innovation need the changes in working style of human also. The introduction of AI is new opportunities for anyone and for items it's opposite.
