Six Months In: A Journey Through Joys, Sorrows, and Unforeseen Adventures

6 months of this year have passed and we don't even realise that time has passed by and we don't even realise how much time has passed. I had made a lot of plans for the year, as we all must have made, but many of us must have failed to make them successful and some people must be working very hard to make them successful. So far this year has passed well, I didn't expect much, but we still hope that the coming day of this year remains good for us and our family too. See, happiness and sorrow are a part of life, one goes and another comes and this is a normal thing. A lot has happened in these 6 months, a lot of good news has come in life and a lot of sad news has also come.


I have lost many of my family members this year, it is not that anyone died in an accident or some accident happened, I all have lived a long life of around 80 years, I do not know how long our life or personality will be, but I hope that whatever time we spend, we love each other and live happily. A lot of other things have happened in life, which you can say is positive in a way and that is that this year, whatever I had decided, I have been successful in doing that, sometimes due to my business schedule I am not able to do all that, but still I try my best to distribute my time equally everywhere. But the situation is not the same all the time, sometimes we have to sacrifice something, such is life.

I had thought that I would visit many places this year but due to some reason I am not able to go still I pray that whenever I get time I keep visiting the nearby places I have also found this journey very exciting because I live in a hilly area so there is a different fun in visiting this place, people yearn to come to such a place. However, there are dangers of living in a hilly area because here we have to face a lot of problems and the most dangerous of them are wild animals, ferocious animals like leopards and bears keep roaming here, it is not that you will find them anywhere in the market if you are going somewhere in the jungles then you can see them there. Although wild animals keep roaming in the jungles but until we do not see them with our own eyes, we are not sure whether they are here or not.

It happened a few months ago when I and a friend of mine were going somewhere on a bike. I did not have any plans to go somewhere but he had some work so I had to go too. He also did not feel like going alone so I decided to accompany him. There were two routes to reach our destination but we took the deserted road because we thought that it would be easy and there would be less traffic there. But we did not know that this shortcut had something different in store for us. When we had reached a few kilometres inside the deserted road, then suddenly we saw that a leopard was jumping down from the road above at a distance of about 15-20 meters and it disappeared from our sight in a few moments. We were only two people and the whole road was deserted, so I did not dare to go ahead for a few moments. Then I told him that there was no use in stopping and we should just keep going. I felt that if we had more companions, then perhaps we would have seen the leopard going down, but since we were just two people, I did not have the courage. That was a very lucky day in my life because although I have seen leopards in cages many times, I saw them for the first time in real life.

In a way, it was a scary experience and it felt good too because you can say that I was getting this experience for the first time and then after that wherever I looked, I saw leopards. It was just an illusion but still, I felt scared. And the funny thing is that the road where we were going was completely through the jungle and the 10 to 11 km road was very bad and completely deserted, only one vehicle was going, sometimes we were very scared, I was praying to God in the bus that we reach home safely, but overall I will always remember this journey because something like this happened in the store. What do you think about this, has something like this ever happened to you?

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see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

All the Images are Made Via Canva unless otherwise noted.

Translated via Google Translator, The content is original.

Thanks a lot for staying till the end 😃🙏, Let me know what you think.

Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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Thanks & Regards

-----Together we will make this a better place-----


What a moment. It's certainly something to remember from this year. I haven't had anything like it happen to me, I don't think. What I will try to remember is someone taking a picture of us at a moment like that 😅. Regards @bhattg


Wow, man, that must have been impressive! I would have died instantly, but from a heart attack!


indeed it was, I would have been dead If I was alone there for sure. 😅



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That was a big scare, I usually think that it is not good to tempt fate, in the face of danger it is better to avoid.

The good thing is that nothing bad happened, and today it is just a strong memory.


I am just thinking about how time passes so fast. I also lost many people this year but not too much compared to other years. The experience you shared in the ending part was adventurous.


indeed bhai that is true, that is the reality of life bhai.
