What can you buy with $50 in a Bear Market?


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When you have thousands of spare dollars to throw at projects, picking the right option is a lot easier. However, life is quite different for individuals who still want to invest in crypto projects that are at the other end of the financial spectrum.

As one of the plebs in this industry, I've made it my mission to consistently seek out opportunities that only require little investment.

The opportunities that catch my attention are always utility crypto assets that are part of a living and thriving project.

In this publication, I highlight 4 cryptocurrencies-based assets that you can invest in with as little as $50 or even less.


AVA is the governance token of Travala. It is one of the projects that I have followed keenly for a while now and I highly recommend it.

At the time of writing, each AVA token costs a bit less than 57 cents, from an all-time high that was somewhere in the $6.5 range. A $50 purchase of the token has the prospect of at least 11X when the bull market comes around but frankly, I think it will be a lot more.

Travala is a project that has the support of Binance, AVA has a maximum cap of a couple of million tokens and a constantly growing ecosystem. It might seem like a long shot now, but eventually the crypto market will catch up.

A rise from the upper part of the 500 ranks to the top 100 translates to a considerable spike in the price. This means that a $50 investment today could translate to a lot more value in the near future.


Polycub token is an asset with impressive maths behind the design that had me sold from the very beginning.

Polycub token is the governance token of the Polycub where investors earn yield for participating in liquidity provision and all that stuff.

What makes Polycub special is the scarcity that is infused into the design. Add that to the incoming governance wars that will drive up internal competition for the token and holders could be sitting on a gold mine.

Currently trading at only 14 cents, Polycub is a token that is a considerable distance away from its ceiling and worth a punt.

Hive and Hive tokens

Hive is a constantly evolving ecosystem with a variety of thriving projects in it. At the top of all these projects, we have the Hive coin that currently trades at 44 cents and dropped from an all-time high of $3.5 due to the bear market.

There are a variety of ways to earn Hive, with blogging being the most popular. This Hive is printed based on an inflation cycle that is constantly reducing as the days go by.

A $50 investment in Hive today is one of the easiest and most obvious long term 10X you will ever mean. In fact, judging by the pace of development, $10 Hive and over 20X from here isn't out of the question.

There are also second layer projects on Hive like Leo token from Leofinance, VYB, POB, CTP the SPS token from Splinterlands and a host of others that you can find in the second layer token market on Hive that you should absolutely consider.

Splinterlands NFTs

Thanks to the bear market, the interest in NFTs has dramatically dropped. However, in the midst of the doom and gloom, there are still NFTs that you can invest in.

I'm a big fan of utility beyond just ownership, so my interest in NFTs tends to surround gaming applications. That's why I highly recommend checking out Splinterlands ecosystem.

With as little as $50, you could buy a summoner spellbook, buy or rent a couple of monsters and start your play to earn journey.

In summary

If you live off crypto, funds are probably tight for you this period. It might not be easy to even free up $50 to invest in projects but if you live off crypto, you know that you have to keep trying.

The aforementioned crypto assets are some of the cheapest routes to continue investing in crypto projects. This way, you will be able to recoup some of the crypto you had to sell during the bear market.

Disclaimer: Not financial advice, always do your own research before investing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Polycub is not in my list

But hive and travels is so on that list

I still believe in BTC and so I will always add some BTC


Adding Bitcoin is dope but if you're spending $50 or less, will it make any difference?


How about just buy Bitcoin and Ethereum

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That works too but not sure how much profit you're going to be making with $50 worth of investment.


I'd guess about the same as any other crypto. ETH dropped to $84 during the past bear market and hovered at around $150 for just over 1 year and then peaked at $4700 8 months back. If you got in at $150 and sold at $4000, you'd had had a 33x return. BTC was under $5000 for around 6 months and peaked at $67,000. You'd have done a 10x if you bought at $5000 and sold for $50,000.

Plus they are much safer to hold compared to farm or HE tokens. You start with $50 and add a little more each week. All adds up really quickly. Save for 18 months and then sit on whatever you buy and wait for the next bull!

My 2 cents


Thanks for this post, the Travala token seemed interesting to me too, then I have never seen much publicity about it, but you have brought my attention back to that project.


Thank you for the advice. Everybody needs extra income during these inflationary times.


I just checked the charts of BTC, HIVE, and SPS and they all look the same thing to me. This means that this time is a great opportunity to grow one's holdings. I am saving at least $20 every 15 days and that's the amount I use to add HIVE, CENT, CTP, LEO, SPS, and DEC. Soon I will add more CUB




Thanks for sharing this, I welcome any investment advice any day because I am learning.
