My brother


I won't say my brother is more in tune with his feelings than I am but if we were watching an emotional movie, he's far more likely to cry. I haven't seen him in a bit more than two years and today, we'll finally be linking up.

For those who don't know because you probably haven't seen my introduction post that I wrote way back in 2017, I come from a big family. My parents have 8 kids and I'm number 6.

I spend more time on hive than everyone in my family but technically speaking, my only younger brother introduced me to Hive. It wasn't much of an introduction but more of a lifeline to help my dying writing career at the time.

It was sometime in Christmas period(December 17th to be precise) while I was doing my NYSC in Jos when my bro called and told me about this platform you can earn from writing. I really didn't need any more information after that and I simply signed up.

I earned my very first crypto from my introduction post on the 24th of December 2017 and I never looked back after that day. My crypto journey began in earnest after my first post paid out and I have been a part of the community ever since.

I never stop showing gratitude for what my brother @ebingo and his friend @bhoa introduced me to. It is with this very crypto writing that I have carved out my place in society and was able to create a life worth living through strategic investment of what I earn.

Coming to see me

The last time I saw Ebingo was my wedding day and that is a bit over two years ago. We have been in constant communication throughout the period but haven't been able to link up because of distance.

We've always been at different parts of the country and that has made it very difficult to link up. On top of that, his work as a medical doctor doesn't really give him time to make trips, even if he could.

It's crazy how life works. From constantly sharing beds and underwear as kids to not seeing each other for years. From play fighting and all those imaginary WWE bouts to being professionals and grownups. It's really a lot to take in.

Today, I'm at Warri and he's not too far away, so we will finally be linking up after all these years. I'll be meeting with the person that introduced me to Hive and showed me a path to freedom. I'll be meeting my brother that I've missed so dearly.


Wow, I read your post which was filled with emotions of how you joined and how your bro introduced you here and your fist payout!

Who forgets their first payout hehe.

It's crazy how life works. From constantly sharing beds and underwear as kids to not seeing each other for years

Anyway as you said this adulthood thing is so weird man, I also oddly and weirdly meet most of my relatives on parties, burials!

Enjoy your time with your bro, have fun and take some beers if you drink anyway hehe


Congrats, I just imagine the joy that will be in the atmosphere, just like me and my younger brother, it is almost 3yrs we see each other when we meet last year the joy was just overwhelming.


I haven't been really separated from my brother and can't imagine what living away from him would be like. We are both on the journey to thirty and still find it hard to stay apart.

He is the very social type, he loves to hang out with friends but hime is always on his mind.

An emotional person who became a doctor, that's a very strong decision he took. I am certain it's going to be a beautiful reunion.


Those are the same two people who introduced me too. Dr @bhoa and Dr @ebingo. I hail una.
