How effective was the Polycub marketing campaign?



Polycub is a Defi 2.0 project launched by the Leofinance team on Polygon blockchain. It is described as a yield optimiser that creates opportunities for investors to earn on the Polygon network through Polycub and XPolycub tokens.

Recently, the project has been doubling down on marketing campaigns to bring in some much-needed attention from the general public. The marketing campaigns include a publication on both Cointelegraph and Bitcoin news, as well as a couple of Youtube and Podcast appearances by Khal.

Cointelegraph is in the top 1200 websites in the world and is home to at least 13 million visitors per month, so you just know that Leifinance has spent a decent amount of money on that publication. It is the premium website for marketing anything crypto-related, so definitely has to be expensive.

Generally speaking, I reckon it is a solid attempt to get more people talking about Polycub and using Leofinance's numerous features. All the marketing campaigns were promoting the entire Leofinance ecosystem, rather than just one project.

So the real question we have to ask ourselves now is has Leofinance and Polycub as a whole become more popular? Are more people talking about Leofinace projects?

According to Alexa ranking, most of Leofinance's traffic comes from USA, Venezuela, and India. It also shows that Leofinance's ranking dropped significantly since January. Interestingly, January is also when there was a minor pump if I'm not mistaken.

As for Polycub, I think the website and related resources have gotten a significant bump in google searches. As someone that regularly searches for free editable images, I know how different it is from the initial period.

In the past, when I searched for "Polycub", google shows me information about some project named Polycab with much stronger SEO. You have to insist that you mean Polycub before you see information about Polycub.

Now, when you search for Polycub, you actually get information about the Polycub you want to see. Although Google still asks if you mean "Polycab" but that can't be helped since both projects have quite similar names.

Twitter is also littered with a lot of information about Polycub and I believe that anybody looking for information about the project will find literally everything they're looking for there.

Virtually all the tweets about Polycub related stuff comes from people within the Hive ecosystem but that can be expected. You have to really scroll a few ways down before you find a tweet from someone that might not already be part of the community.

I think the only thing that bothers me about Polycub marketing, especially on Twitter is that it is possible they've shoved Hive people into an echo chamber.

I believe that the only way we can truly market our blockchain projects on Twitter is by actually growing our Twitter account, outside of Hive people and then working our way up from there.

I usually check the number of wallet addresses holding Polycub, to get a general idea about the distribution of the token. Right now, we're up to 162 addresses from 151, the last time I checked.

@onealfa made a fine point about how the best way to know the number of holders is through Xpolycub. In my post four days ago, he commented that the number of Xpolycub holders was 442 but that has increased slightly to exactly 500 addresses, at the time of writing.

In the space of four days, adding 58 addresses to the mix isn't exactly a big deal, considering how much could have been invested into marketing. On top of that, the Leofinance website itself didn't exactly climb up the ranks on Alexa as well. Not to be a downer, but I don't think we got our money's worth for the marketing campaign but at the same time, you can't fault the team for trying.

Community marketing fund

Most projects don't just run one single marketing campaign and rest. Marketing is a constant activity that is carried out throughout the lifespan of a project.

I believe that the solution to Leofinance's marketing malaise could be to establish a marketing fund to which we can all donate Leo tokens. The add a voting feature where the community decides which project gets to be marketed.

We'll also need to liaise with a marketing agency that will take charge of the marketing. That could also be thrown out to the community to choose from a voting process.

The Leofinance project has a CEO and a face we can push forward. It has a lot of love and a strong community backing it. All we need is a consistent way to market the project and I think we'll be eating gucci.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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I didn't know CoinTelegraph was such a substantial voice in the world. I amj very happy to know Leofinance utilized that site to spread the word about PolyCub. I am also encouraged by the google results you mentioned. I think we will continue to see more marketing efforts, but we will as a community have to continue to do some of the work at the grassroots level enlarging our Twitter base.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta



I believe that the solution to Leofinance's marketing malaise could be to establish a marketing fund to which we can all donate Leo tokens. The add a voting feature where the community decides which project gets to be marketed. something you could almost start your self and coordinate activites with Leofinance Marketing team....???

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Marketing is never a one-day or one-post thing. It's a continuous process and we should not expect very much from the CoinTelegraph post. However, it was a huge move and more of such is needed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
