Life Of A Woman

Hello everyone, I hope you are having an awesome day. I will like to talk about the life of a woman and what she needs to become the person of her dreams.


Firstly, I will like to talk about us, the feminine gender.

Who is a Woman?

A woman is a feminine gender created to help. This is literally what she is built to do. Now the question lies on how can she be of help at tender age and future age?

At tender age


At tender age, she starts from been a baby daughter, she becomes a teenager with time,

Screenshot_20221108-111852_1.jpgLink and later turns into a lady.


she can be of help at tender age by doing the following.

  • She can be of help by been of support to her family.

I do not advice parents to exclude their daughters from house chores, identify each child of yours to a house chore. This will train and teach them on steps to manage themselves especially when they are in the university and before getting married.

During the tender age, she will learn manners of building a standard woman at home, she will learn how to cook, she will learn how to carryout task in the home even when alone.

It is essential for a lady to ensure she makes effective use of the life at tender age because when you miss some lessons you are expected to learn it becomes difficult to learn at later age.

At the matured stage

At matured level, she might have learnt how to carry out some duties at home and how to conduct herself to a certain level.


It is now left for the person she chooses to love to groom her to perfection.
At matured stage some ladies tends to make mistake than at teenage age. Some seeks advice from wrong people; some aren’t spiritual which may lead them to make terrible mistakes of life.

To avoid mistakes, make yourself available for learning as a woman, build on your passion and become an expert in what you like, seek suggestions from people who are higher in level and are more spiritual especially your trusted church leaders.

  • Never trade yourself for finance.

Thanks for reading, do have a lovely day.
