Need the economic juice! Economy is not in a recession so buy buy buy!



Great movie by the way. Y'know it's about your average drug addict enjoying their heroin. The real kicker is when you have to get off the drug and go into withdrawal. That's when the real show begins. Highly recommended watch.

As much as you want to hear me write up a full movie review why not take a back seat ride to a world full of monetary junkies. Y'all know we need that fresh printed digi-cash.



It's kind of sad how the crypto markets seem to just follow the legacy markets. I guess it makes sense since GOLD / SILVER are manipulated in just the same way. The positive is that if / when there is more monetary printing BTC and shit-coins will go up.

Dow Jones Industrial Average



The DOW is not a great indicator for anything happening in the economy. Everything is MACRO so it's better to look at the S&P 500. This is the broader market. You have to also remember the DEBT market is the true bubble to look at. The stock market is a derivative of the debt market. It's amazing how much monetary education I have learned from the tubes. Imagine shelling out $100's K for post education and becoming a central bank planner like Yellen and Powell. They didn't see that inflation OR recession coming! They still don't see a recession even though we are in one. So After the Great J Powell of the FED raised a whopping 0.75 basis points and 2 consecutive negative GDP prints the market interprets this as more JUICE for the market thoooooon!



"Bullish on AMZN. There's no way AMZN falls short based on how often my wife has a stream of boxes coming to our house."


Check out the link above and by the end of the day we shall see how the reported 443 companies earnings go.

The shiny relics caught a paper bid. Might as well right? Everything else is getting pumped up even though we technically are in a recession. It's amazing how I say technically even though goal posts are continuously being changed to fit a narrative. If that is not the sign of a falling empire I do not know what is.


No worries as today Biden will deliver the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Why do I think it will be more debt for debt reduction. Remember folks this is the world we live in. I'm going to gamble they F this up so bad it's gonna be time for Tawian Invasion and drafts into the military. There's no business like show business.

I wouldn't listen too hard of what this zombie has to say. We all know Build Back Better will always be bullshit. They cannot stop increasing their debt. Everyone knows it but pretends it doesn't exist.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
