The Hoarder: Please, Breathe.


Sleeping and waking up to breathe the same supposedly fresh air that the hoarder of the country breathes sometimes saddens me, especially seeing the complete tragedy it has caused a lot of people. They only care about themselves, and that's how it all began, the smell of their hoarding greed to the nation, and they never stop until karma calls.

When Covid came and palliative services and food provisions were sent to our country, the news of it hit the heart of every Nigerian, and to say we were happy would be an understatement because it was more than that. I could remember seeing the "Chairman" of each community with their secretaries going to people's homes to tell them to write their account numbers that apart from the provision of food, money was involved and that was it. Nothing ever came.

High hope did people have, but it all got washed off as always when nothing came out. The palliative sent to the country seems to have grown wings and flown away as the country leaders hoard them all like they own it in the first place. It was a sour sight to see, and the suffering of the multitude became extra. Most people had to go back to ancient days of going into the forest to get wood for cooking, hunting of animals, and whatnot. And that's how things were until warehouses where those palliative and food provisions were kept were raided by the masses in different states who found the location.

Living in a country where the leaders hoards the goods that were meant to be shared is super annoying because at the end of the day, when those warehouses were raided, a lot of the provisions were spoiled because of the stuffy place they were kept in. It was a disaster and still is, and knowing this strengthens my ideas on simplicity.

When we hoard something and refuse to let go, they end up making our surroundings littered and unkempt, and that space is unhealthy to stay in for an hour nor live in. And that's what I believe hoarders don't understand and never will if they don't embrace the act of minimalism.

Growing up, the act of giving out to others as always fuelled me, and that was because I was taught, and I not only learned it but practiced it. I have given out and still give out clothes to people. I know there are some clothes that I really like and adore so much that I call them my full ride, lol. But when I grew out of them and they still looked very nice, I gave them out because I don't need them anymore.


I do know someone who likes keeping her perfumes even when its content has been used. The bottle which they contain remains on her shelf no matter what. She keeps them like they are her prized goods and though keeping them may seem cool to her. To me, I find them cluttering. It made her bookshelf look so untidy because of the unnecessary items displayed on it.

Being a minimalist makes homemaking easier and sweeter, which is why I believe every homemaker must learn the act of simplicity, especially when they start having their children. It'll help the children's growth and mental health. The act of hoarding items unnecessarily keeps our health at risk. It is an addiction that can hurt us if we don't let it go, and this is why I bring a song by Toehider titled "The Hoarder."

And you can find the lyrics here, and I find it very interesting and hope every hoarder would see this.

Simplicity brings this sort of calmness, and it is highly spiritual and recommended to anyone who would love to give it a tryout.

Images used are mine, and video is from #YouTube.

Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading and listening.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.

0.01520967 BEE

This is so true sis. Simplicity is the best lifestyle πŸ‘

0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

It still baffles me why people or government hoards items that will benefit others.

She keeps them like souvenirs. Minimalism is all about simplicity

0E-8 BEE

Yes, it baffles me as well. Like, why do they do that?

Haha... that's right. Yeah, it sure is.

0E-8 BEE

It is absolutely devastating to think of how many people suffered while the supplies they needed rotted in warehouses; it is such a shame that people tend to let greed and selfishness choke their desire for goodwill. We all rise or fall together, even if people do not see it...

Thank you for this perspective on what Covid was like there. We had our issues too, but nothing like that. It was insightful and sad to hear the story there πŸ’š

0E-8 BEE

Even if they don't. It is exhausting having to face this and numerous unending things during Covid.

You are welcome 😊. Yeah, I believe everyone does. Thank you 😊.

0E-8 BEE

0E-8 BEE

Thank you 😊

0E-8 BEE

It's the perform empty contents for meπŸ˜‚

You know, it's not easy to use an expensive perfume and throw away the container without people getting to know πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

0E-8 BEE

Lol πŸ˜†. They are made of gold, that's why.

Hehe... it isn't lol...but throw it away, abeg.

0E-8 BEE

!Lolz πŸ˜‚
God knows I can't be impressed with empty perfume containers.... especially when I don't know the price

0E-8 BEE


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0E-8 BEE