My Heart... Go All Night... Think Twice//Mi Corazón... Go All Night... Piénsalo dos veces. (Eng/Esp)

For years I have listened to her words. The sound of her breath is beyond man's intelligence.

I have danced both in the rain and the comfort of the moonlight with the presence of her tone. And, I never back away during the hotness and coldness of the season because her words are more than life itself.

I have danced and continued dancing in her knowledgeable words of advice to mankind and I can't help but swim endlessly in her uniquely made voice.



I met her at a very young age and she helped me and still helping me heal in ways words can't express.

In her words, I found my worries gone. I found light and the need to explore the world. I found the need to be grateful for the love God has bestowed upon me every single day.

My heart... Oh, my fragile heart was shattered and smashed to the hell world repeatedly at a very crucial age when children are meant to feel love and pure bliss around them. And her voice mended each broken piece and still mended them without getting tired.

Her voice and thoughtful words pump blood back to my heart which transferred it to my veins turning my already paled white skin to life.

I swam and still swimming in her blessed made unique voice and her modest sense of dressing is enchanting to mankind.

Evergreen! That is the vibe felt every time you listen to her music. Each piece of music was simply crafted to last longer than mankind. They are heaven-born. You can sleep soundly at night with her voice your guardian to purity.

I have loved and still love her dauntlessly because that is how she makes me feel. Though I do not know much about her personal life, but... I am very aware of her musical world.

When life smashes you to the wall, the best way is to rise from it. The spirit of tenacity is needed in our doings.

There is one of her released music to the movie Deadpool and I loved it. Hehe. I had it used as my ringtone and I am still using it since 2018. You see.


And the music is tilted; Ashes.

The music is filled with great thoughtful lyrics that make you feel lost and found at the same time. The music speaks life and great words.

Also, it asks the unimaginable question. A Phoenix question and below is the music.

Ashes; Celine Dion.

Now, you know who I speak of.


She is a respectful lady filled with a great vibe and humility. Her knowledge of the music world is vast and I can't help loving her.

Celine Maria Claudette Dion is known for her powerful use of her vocals. She was born on March 30, 1968, and her musical style carries the genres of Pop, rock, R&B, Classical music, and Gospel.

Though she is a Canadian singer, her music has been sung in French, Spanish, Italian, German, Latin, Chinese, and all others.

Her music is evergreen and below are some of her music list.

  1. Falling Into You.
  2. Let's Talk About Love.
  3. Because You Loved Me.
  4. It's All Coming Back To Me.
  5. My Heart Will Go On.
  6. A New Day Has Come.
  7. I'm Your Angel.
  8. I'm Alive and countless more.

To end my tribute to her in this post, I have chosen some of her music from #Youtube to fill your hearings with love and these tunes are from the title of the post...

My Heart Will Go On.
I Drove All Night.
Think Twice.

Heart Will Go On; Celine Dion

Think Twice; Celine Dion.

This is my response to the @dreemport collaboration with @beeber Hive Memorial Forest Last Challenge.

Still yours truly,

All videos used were gotten from #Youtube and the gif used is powered by Tenor.

Thanks for reading and listening.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.


Durante años he escuchado sus palabras. El sonido de su respiración está más allá de la inteligencia del hombre.

He bailado tanto bajo la lluvia como en la comodidad de la luz de la luna con la presencia de su tono. Y, nunca me alejo durante el calor y el frío de la estación porque sus palabras son más que la vida misma.

He bailado y sigo bailando en sus sabias palabras de consejo a la humanidad y no puedo evitar nadar sin cesar en su voz de hechura única.



La conocí muy joven y me ayudó y me sigue ayudando a sanar de maneras que las palabras no pueden expresar.

En sus palabras, encontré que mis preocupaciones se habían ido. Encontré luz y la necesidad de explorar el mundo. Encontré la necesidad de estar agradecida por el amor que Dios me ha concedido cada día.

Mi corazón... Mi frágil corazón se rompió y se hizo añicos repetidamente en una edad crucial en la que los niños deben sentir amor y felicidad pura a su alrededor. Y su voz remendaba cada pieza rota y sigue remendándolas sin cansarse.

Su voz y sus reflexivas palabras bombeaban sangre de vuelta a mi corazón, que la transfería a mis venas y daba vida a mi ya pálida piel blanca.

Nadé y sigo nadando en su bendita voz única y su modesto sentido del vestir es encantador para la humanidad.

¡Siempre verde! Esa es la sensación que se siente cada vez que escuchas su música. Cada pieza musical está hecha para durar más que la humanidad. Han nacido en el cielo. Puedes dormir tranquilo por la noche con su voz como guardiana de la pureza.

La he amado y la sigo amando sin reservas porque así es como me hace sentir. Aunque no sé mucho de su vida personal, pero... estoy muy al tanto de su mundo musical.

Cuando la vida te aplasta contra la pared, la mejor manera es levantarse de ella. El espíritu de tenacidad es necesario en nuestras acciones.

Hay una música suya lanzada para la película Deadpool y me encantó. Jeje. La tenía usada como tono de llamada y la sigo usando desde 2018. Ya ven.


Y la música se inclina; Ashes.

La música está llena de grandes letras reflexivas que te hacen sentir perdido y encontrado al mismo tiempo. La música habla vida y grandes palabras.

También, hace la pregunta inimaginable. Una pregunta Phoenix y abajo está la música.

Ashes; Celine Dion.

Ya sabes de quién hablo.


Es una dama respetuosa llena de una gran vibra y humildad. Su conocimiento del mundo de la música es muy amplio y no puedo evitar quererla.

Celine Maria Claudette Dion es conocida por la potencia de su voz. Nació el 30 de marzo de 1968 y su estilo musical abarca los géneros del pop, el rock, el R&B, la música clásica y el gospel.

Aunque es cantante canadiense, su música se ha cantado en francés, español, italiano, alemán, latín y chino, entre otros idiomas.

Su música es imperecedera y a continuación se enumeran algunas de sus canciones.

    1. Falling Into You.
  1. Hablemos de amor.
    1. Because You Loved Me.
  2. It's All Coming Back To Me.
  3. My Heart Will Go On.
  4. A New Day Has Come.
  5. I'm Your Angel.
  6. I'm Alive y muchas más.

Para terminar mi homenaje a ella en este post, he escogido algo de su música de #Youtube para llenar de amor vuestras escuchas y estas melodías son del título del post....

My Heart Will Go On.
I Drove All Night.
Think Twice.

Heart Will Go On; Celine Dion

Think Twice; Celine Dion.

Esta es mi respuesta a la colaboración de @dreemport con @beeber Hive Memorial Forest Last Challenge.

Sigue siendo tuyo,

Todos los videos utilizados fueron obtenidos de #Youtube y el gif utilizado es impulsado por Tenor.

*Gracias por leer y escuchar.

La paz sea con los que la anhelan y más con los que la ahuyentan.

Translated using deepl.

0.48501730 BEE

I love her work. All my youth was spent listening to her music, full of love stories, haha. I love the ones you have selected, I also love immortality, I love you, water from the moon and so on. She has really touched lives with her music

0.00060966 BEE

Oh, my my... I love that you love her music. Celine means the world to me and the songs you mentioned are loved by me😁

0E-8 BEE

She is very popular with her beautiful voice and songs! She deserved the tribute she is an icon! You became poetic while you are paying your tribute..awesome.Thank you for sharing Ma'am @balikis95 I came from #dreemport God bless you!🙏

0.00060361 BEE

Yes, she is. And she does deserve the tribute.

Thanks for your kind words. And enjoy your day.

0E-8 BEE

Oh my, great singer with a beautiful voice. All her songs are classic. I love the messages behind her songs.
Thanks for sharing :)

0.00059579 BEE

Thank you for acknowledging her and for stopping by.

0E-8 BEE

You're most welcome!

0E-8 BEE

I kept on reading your post and I was tempted to scroll down to see who the person this wonderful tribute was for but I withheld myself.

I will forever love Celine Dion.

0.00059767 BEE

Haha... Hehe, I can be like that. Getting people curious. Thankfully you read to the end.

Thanks for stopping by .

0E-8 BEE

You are most welcome 😃

0E-8 BEE

Oh, Celine Dion!! I love her music so much, this was so emotional to read.

0.00059052 BEE

Haha... Thank you

0E-8 BEE

Wow... #dreemport brought me back here again 😇

0.00058550 BEE

Holla @dreemport. Thanks for bringing people by😁😁.

Thank you sweet Nkem

0E-8 BEE

Wow, what an amazing tribute to this great singer. I was reading your tribute and my mind was so curious to know whom this amazing being was until you mentioned her name. Till date, her songs still make impact in people's lives
Thanks for sharing those videos

Once again happy birthday to you 🎉🎉🎉

Check your wallet for a token from me❤️

0.00057661 BEE

Hehe... I love your sense of curiosity and I am glad you love her too. Her music are great!

See me ooo... Millionaire in the making. You just continue blessing me with these million dollars. Daalu Nne.

I appreciate the love and kindness 🥰🥰.

0E-8 BEE

I am still searching for this millions glasses 🕶️🕶️
I can't find it

0E-8 BEE

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 157 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

0E-8 BEE

This is amazing.
Celine Dion the mother of all love songs.
Her voice is incredible, her songs will forever remain.

Happy Birthday 🎉

0E-8 BEE

Yes, it will.

I appreciate your presence here Dreemer. Enjoy the rest of your day

0E-8 BEE

Thanks, you are welcome.

0E-8 BEE

Wow i never knew my favorite blues artist was dead, or maybe i knew but forgot, I love ashes song sings it all day i love all her songs shes indeed talented

0E-8 BEE