bala412882 days agoI remember stopping my tracking previously because of this pain only. Yeah you are right, it is painful to track all the…10 00.00001157 BEE
bala412882 days agoGreat. This is what I'm expecting it to provide me. An insight on my spending so that I can make some…00 00.00000000 BEE
bala412883 days agoUsually the curation is manual. It is done by the curators. My vote sometimes gets missed based on my VP…00 00.00000000 BEE
bala41288last weekHere also it is free but we don't go there because they are not of good…00 00E-8 BEE
bala412882 weeks agoYeah the more we go towards artificial things, the more we are going against nature and damaging…00 00E-8 BEE
bala412882 weeks agoOh nice. Interesting. These days people move away from physical copies to digital storage. Agree that Internet is not 100%…10 00.00000271 BEE