Would You Believe If You Heard Cyber Criminals Are Going Broke?


I know hearing cyber criminals going broke is a little weird because of the nature of their job therefore going broke is going to be impossible because there are lots of exchange apps that contain thousands of wallets to carry out their fishing scheme. However, there’s one thing that is common between cyber criminals and investors and that is, that the bear market has no range or limits for anyone.


During the bear market, we all know that the price of crypto drops drastically and it affects the rate of buying and selling of crypto. Now if the bear market can affect investors bad because their assets or coins have lost 50% of their value if the bear market can hit investors why can’t it affect the cyber criminals too that depend on those coins they're stealing? Because if you think about it the coins they are stealing won’t have value to use except they want to store them for the Bull Run.

Since the bear market, cyber criminal activities haven’t been based on crypto because they know the coins are experiencing a bad season so instead they have shifted their focus into hacking social media accounts of popular influencers and authority bodies to phish for victims. Also, crypto security firm SonicWall has disclosed that there is a method that the crypto criminal has come up with and it’s called cryptojacking and its fast rising.

Cryptojacking is a method in which cyber criminals infect their victim’s computers, servers or even the cloud with all kinds of malware, this malware is designed for the sole function of mining crypto with the victim’s computer without their knowledge and this malware is sent through web browsers and emails. According to SonicWall, this activity is becoming rampant and they are targeting retail and financial industries.

However, cryptojacking is not a new method it first started as far back as 2017 because it was a malicious trend going on where hackers would hack into people’s computers while they are browsing and use them to mine crypto. Also, they developed fake crypto apps that will require you to watch some ads to gain new experiences of features and when you do they sneak the malware to your computer and use it to mine.

Now that the bear market is making everyone broke the cyber criminals has decided it’s time to move back to the old ways if they want to survive the bear market and at this rate, I think everyone should be careful of the app they download, sites they visit and links they click to avoid touching stories.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
