We Promised to Study together but Conditions made it Impossible for us

Hello to the Hive Learners Community! Welcome to my blog. Promises are the words of trust. We utilized them when we want to make a deal in our relationship with people. It is dishonesty for me to break them without any reason. I have seen most of the people break these promises due to big reason especially in Love relationship. Although, some people make promises to deceive others. We should careful about these peoples. First, we don't make a promise for anything if we have done with them then we should fulfill it either we are going to be in loss.

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Promise is a code of Dignity in our Society

In our Society, people like and love those people who are men of their words. These people when make promises, they not only completed them but also leave a good impression for others.



Being Muslim, I believe,

"Our Promises are like our responsibilities, we should do our best to fulfill them. Otherwise, we must get punishment from God about them"

Hence, it is better don't promise to someone about anything that is Impossible for us. We say words ethically, we shall do our best to complete this task otherwise please forgive me if I shall not be able to complete it.

Have I broken promise with anyone?

Like other humans who have done mistakes, I 'm also the same. I do my best to take those responsibilities for which I 'm able to fulfill. Otherwise, I didn't make any promise. In my life, I have seen very tough conditions in my family. Due to financial burden, I had to sacrifice on many things in the past that is including an unfinished promise.

Why have I broken a promise with my friend in my past?

It was about 2011 when I was studying in 5th Grade at Primary School. I had a good friend at that time. We helped a lot each other. Our friendship was a model for my other's class fellows.



We had studied together about three years. After elementary School exam, I had to move for Higher Education. My friend and I made a promise to study together in Beacon Hall School. Unfortunately, when I asked to my father about my admission in Beacon Hall School for further studies. He did apology to me. I was very angry with him and didn't talk to him for a whole week. My friend always called me when I would join him in Beacon Hall School.



I always answered him sooner I would be there because I was unaware about the financial situations of my house. Days changed into weeks and weeks changed into months, finally my mother talked to me about this matter and broke the complete silent of my father. She gave me a lecture about our worst financial conditions. Then I came to realize why my father had taken this decision. I met to my father and did sorry. I understand why they were not willing to afford my Educational Expenditures for Beacon Hall School. When I called and I informed to my friend that I couldn't take admission in Beacon Hall. He first got angry but later he understood about our family financial issues. He offered me to pay my fee and his father also called me about it. I rejected this offer because I couldn't see my parents feel anything bad about me. Anyway, I had to broken my promise with my friend due to unfavorable circumstances.

Still, he is my good friend. He is although abroad but I always love to share my routine life with him. I 'm happy to have a friend who understand when I was in bad finance.




In any relationship, there is a trust on which building of this relationship based. This building will be destructed when we spoil our relationship by breaking promises.



When we break promises, it is direct attack on trust. Hence, we should do our best to make those promises that are easy to fulfill by us. Don't promise if you don't do it later.

This is my entry for HL Weekly Featured Content A Broken Promise. I hope, you enjoyed my post. Thanks!


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That's a really sad situation and I know it's always tough to go through that especially when you really wanted to purse a higher level of education.

However, the way you reacted after knowing the full detail is really inspiring. That's a good way to act and I'm sure your Dad must have felt really bad about the financial situation of the family back then.

The best part of this experience is that you still have a very good relationship with your friend. That's a good one, Bro.


Yeah, I survived in tough conditions and now I 'm Alhamdolilah graduated. My father can feel proud of me and it was his love that made it possible for me.
I always have best friends either on the hive platform or in the outside world 😂.


Financial issues can bring a lot of disadvantages can’t do anything about it but to face it. Because there are no other options but having friends like this can make life easier you are soo lucky to have such a friend who truly admires you. I am very happy to see your friendship ☺️.


Thank you! Although these friends are very rare, I love to have them in my life. Hence, I 'm feeling lucky enough in this regard.


Sometimes, uncertainty can lead to us breaking promise we never imagined we could break. I know how bad that must have made me feel but it's a good thing you are an understandable person. Rejecting your friend's offer shows how you value your parents' happiness.


I love my parents a lot. They give me learning about everything. It was good to stay with my parents'decision hence I rejected it. Thank you for coming!


The reason behind breaking the promise is understandable. I think you didn't done anything wrong and your father's financial condition was more important than the promise in my opinion. Besides you was unaware about the financial condition of your family.


Absolutely, I was unaware about the financial situation of my family. Later when I realized then I had to apologize to him and my friend. Thank God my friend was good and able to understand my condition. Thank you!
