A.I and Social Media are destructive weapons to Human Life In Future

Hello Hive Learners Community! Welcome to my blog. There are many things that are harmful for our health but people used them regularly ignoring their side effects. In these cases, we can't do anything to stop them because if we put taboo against these things the addicted people start making rivalry with us. Similarly, there are some inventions by the world that are harmful but our world is busy in their frequent usages. We can't stop implications of these inventions because they are providing benefits on the other side like Social Media, A.I etc. Although, human mental health is suffering a lot by social media and A.I but there is nothing to do regarding people's willingness.



Artificial Intelligence Toxicity

A.I is adding impermanent losses for our society. Although, it is helping Humanity a lot in many Fields but it is damaging human skills. Original arts have beauty and attraction for us but there are some A.I art though they are remarkable but didn't have emotions similar to human art. Same people are utilizing A.I in content writing. ChatGPT is nowadays mostly used software for this purpose. Although, we can find many answers easily but contents got by these softwares have Palagerism. It is easy to trace cheating in these contents. Moreover, these contents are devoid of real feelings. I don't like to upvote and read A.I posts because they involved zero percent human efforts. I 'm happy to see, there are people available like Hive watchers who strongly discouraged these A.I posts. A.I is a competitor of human talent. I 'm fearful, it will replace human skills. From simple market to complex networking, there are many tools involved A.I. People are now more interested in intelligence tools.



Social Media and Gaming Toxicity

As we are moving towards advancement, there are many features adding in Social applications. Everyday, the number of users on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn are increasing. Recently, my neighbor was diagnosed eye cancer due to excessive use of mobile. On mobile, he was involved in excessive watching of Facebook and Instagram.



Similarly, everyday there is a news of Psychological cases and killing of people due to excessive playing of PUBG Game. These games influenced human brain and player want to implement same environment as he is observing in the game.



As a result, he forced himself to take gun and target innocent lives. In short, these social Applications and Gaming have big toxicity that is destroying our youth and no one is ready to take notice on it. We can't stop people because these social Applications are part of their lives. We should educate people about pros and cons of social life. If three people are sitting together, then two people surely will be busy in these social applications that is too toxic to their practical life.


Inventions are still pending. There are many things that will be added in coming era. Some of the inventions already discovered are embedded in normal human routines. As they are used regularly, people ignore their side and adverse effects. Finally, they are the important part of their lives. I didn't have seen any android without Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. People used them too often. Their usage is very toxic for eye health. But you can't stop people from using these social applications.

This is my entry for HL Weekly Featured Content Killing Not Helping. I hope, you enjoyed my post. Thanks!


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AI was definitely a scary tool for company leaders would just use it to replace workers but their work were mostly unoriginal and too much social media could cause depressions and other mental health issues along with other diseases that comes with long exposure on digital device.


Being human, we should restrict AI utilization otherwise we can bear losses in every field. Thank you for your participation and comment.


agree. we should promote craftivism over plagiarism because that is the only way that we can make new ideas and further advance the society.


Because people are getting lazy and don't want to do hard work anymore so they just create AI to "lessen the workload" and release it for general public use. Meanwhile poverty, drugs & smuggling, human trafficking, etc., are still problems that haven't been fixed up to now.

People wanna go the easy road all the time, pretending to be ignorant of where that leads. 😆

Meanwhile, social media is the new TV. Mobile phones are the new idiot boxes. Choose what you see/consume wisely because not everything online are good for us. What's popular is not always the right things to do.


We can make good use of everything. There is a limit for everything if we cross it then things will become more toxic. People are lazy but they are active in finding easiness. Thank you for your participation and nice comment.


In as much as technology is good
It has also done more bad than good. AI has taken many jobs were there will be need human labour.


Exactly, human labor is affected a lot. AI is not good even in all fields. Thank you for your participation.
