The reality of kindness nowadays in life

In olden days kindness was a simple gesture of humans, people tend to be showing belief towards eachother. Then it began downgrading to the path where nowadays we can not trust even our own people. Helping others without expecting anything from them is an act of kindness. But, now it is considered as weakness. People using their creativity to coverup their faults nowadays considered for their good thinking capabilities, but in the past it was considered as manipulative minds.

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Our experiences in life teaches us that one cannot believe others. I once believed that if you are kind to everyone, the others will reciprocate it to others in turn all will be kind to eachother. But, in reality you will be used as a tool if feel kind towards others which i was taught by my job. In your professional life you get to meet different types of people, each got their own story where they are the good people. I used to help others in their difficult situations and believed that helping others would give me the satisfactory feeling at the end of the day as I get to help someone. Hearing some good news in other people lives used to make me happy.

Due to certain circumstances, my life turned upside down and began to depend on others for some financial support. Then the faces of others began to turn to their real faces. The people who got help from me in their dire situations, starting to avoid me. I would have thought nothing of that sort if they didn't have proper necessities. Even though they are fully well settled at that time, they didn't show any interest in helping me. I used to ask them myself is there any problem in your life personally and help as much as i can. I began to think and started to do something about my situation. Gradually i began to turn my life with my efforts and now I'm less interested in helping the people who disregard me when i needed them.

Even though some say money is not everything, but nowadays it's all most all the things we need in our life have a cost. From then on I tried to invest as much as possible and save some too. Because money can help us when we are down.

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