New Skill Unlocked: Internet to the Rescue


How do you find answers to things you want to know?

Do you do a quick Google search, or do you prefer diving into the depths of video tutorials on platforms like YouTube? Today, I found myself in a situation where YouTube became not just a source of entertainment but a wallet-saver— all thanks to a stainless steel watch band.

It all started with a need for change. My trusty smart band's, silicone strap which had seen better days needed a replacement. Well, the band is old because I had it for 3 years already. I replaced it with a black band that had already broken prior, and before I decided to order a new strap, I re-used this peach one that I, fortunately, kept in my drawer. It didn't last a few weeks though, and eventually also broke apart as well.

I searched online I stumbled upon a stainless steel watch band that promised to give a new look to my watch. I convinced myself it's worth the buy because I was able to use my credits in the shopping app. LOL.

Stainless Steel watch band. Yay or Nay?

The delivery came and I was so eager to open it so that I could change from a worn-out strap to this stainless steel band. But dang, the band was too long for my wrist, and I didn't know how to fit the watch itself into the band. My head was racing-- did I just waste my money? Should I go out to a watch repair shop to get it done or was there a solution I could find on the internet?

Watch Band Resizing Crash Course

I ended up in YT, which fortunately had several guides on how to resize/shorted these stainless steel bands. I opened one that said "resize with tools found at home", because you know, I ain't a watch repairman, right?!

For this job, all I needed were: something pointed to push the pins out, a pair of pliers, and a hammer or something to "pound" on your pointed thingy. Lol.

I used this compass from a geometry set and a pair of long nose pliers that I also used as a hammer.


The tutorial covered the step-by-step process clearly, and within minutes, I already "graduated" from yet another course in "YouTube Academy".

Did I make it too tight?!

Curious Little Miss.

Little Miss was watching me the whole time and she did not let the opportunity to learn this as well. She put together the parts of the strap that I removed and she did very well.


Internet wins again today. What I initially doubted to be doable by me, got executed because of the vast resources that could be found online. I saved myself a trip to the watch repair shop, and I even gained a "new skill".

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"YouTube Academy"

Woah! I also graduated in youtube university 😄


I know, right?! There's undoubtedly lots of YT Uni alumni. 😆
