
Getting to Mr Carlos' house, and before knocking the big black gate before me, I put a call through to him in order to be sure I wasn't in the wrong address. After a couple of minutes, a tall thin dark guy who I would regard as my age mate due to the look on his face opened the gate and led me in.

"Pls, I'm here to see Mr Carlos'' I said. He pointed to the top of the gigantic house without saying a word. I looked at the top of the house and looked back at him and with a straight face, he walked passed me with a signal that I should follow him closely. I began to think of how this dark Man could be related to Mr Carlos, could he be the gate security, the house Gardner or could he be his errand boy. But then, why is he so rude that he could not even speak to me or is he a dumb who cannot speak. At this point, I decided to satisfy my curiosity by initiating a conversation with him. The barking of dogs jotted me out of my thoughts and predetermined action. At the sight of the Lion-like dogs, my heart beat increased heavily and my body shooks vigorously like a squirting woman. I walked faster and closer to the guy leading Me in.

After we had walked for a couple of minutes, we eventually got to a small entrance door where the thin guy pressed a few bottons that look like a pass Code. We entered and the door closed strongly behind us. At this point, fear occupied my body and made me fidget I forced some words out of my mouth to draw the attention of the dark guy, trying to be sure if I am in the right place. "Pls, Mr Carlos Turner is who I seek, am I in the right address" I asked with a shaky voice. He turned his neck back like a programmed robbot, smiled at me and signaled with his hand that we continue walking. I wanted to object at first and then I saw him pressing some buttons on the lift before us. He entered and I walked reluctantly behind him.

In the lift, various thoughts ran through my mind, I brought out my phone to put a call through to Mr Carlos, he didn't pick at first which increased the Degree of the fear in me. I tried the second time, this time he picked and said to me that we will soon get to him. His words calmed my nerves as my body oozed out fluids out of my tensed system. I kept looking at this dark thin guy with a disdainful eye since he had refused to communicate verbally with me, I assumed him to be a spoilt brat with rude manners. The lift stopped moving, the door opened and we find ourself on a floor I can't still comprehend if it was the top of the building that the guy pointed at when I came it at first. We walked past some kitchen workers while we walked through a big kitchen room Many of the kitchen workers bowed their heads at the sight of the two of us.

After a not too long walk, we arrived at the front of a door. Getting to that door, I expected him to input a pass Code like he had done to the first door but without a touch, the door opened before I could even process my thoughts. He signaled that I go in first which I hesitated at first and he gave me a sheepish smile, I looked at him like a confused being because I still can't understand what kind of human he is or probably a Cyborg. I walked gently to enter through the already opened door before us and as I stepped into the room, I got caught in the web of surprise.

The Room was quiet spacious, big enough to accommodate a large number of people. If I had not seen few people sitting comfortably in the room, I would have thought of it to be a warehouse. I saw a man standing in the middle of the room with his back showing towards me and his face looking the other way so I couldn't see his face at first. With the view of his back, I was so sure it was Mr Carlos and I was about calling his name before I Saw a thick white smoke oozing out from his mouth, he raised his head high up again and puffed out another thick white smoke. I couldn't close my already opened mouth so quickly as confusion crept into me.


I have never seen him with a stick of smoke, he neither tasted alcohol nor talked about drug intake in my presence. Until that day, I still compare his meek attitude and calm behavior to a Reverend Father's. Though, he has never talked about his social life to me and I never questioned him much about it. Fear held me back and I had a change of mind that the man standing in the middle of the room isn't Mr Carlos. I rolled my eyeballs from left to right to catch a view of everyone in the room, then I realized that all men in that room are either with a stick of smoke or with a bottle of alcohol. I looked back at the guy that had led me to the room and he walked passed me. He went close to the Man standing in the middle of the room to whisper to his ears, the man shook his head Affirmatively and turned his back at once to have his face towards me; then my doubts were cleared.


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