Kafka's "The Metamorphosis" - An Analysis Of The Effect Of Loneliness And Imagination

This post doesn't contain any spoilers about the book.

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Loneliness for the utopian non-contemplators always takes a path to horror, spectacles, visuals, and violent exclusions. This comes from a sentimental impulse because conscience is the first motivation for the lonely person who expresses themself for creation.

A struggle between the nightmare and the imaginary gray and between the bridal and the real and illusory white, their panic turns into fantasies that seem exceptionally real to them. This nourishes their subtlety in poetry, their sensitivity to meanings, and their subtlety in constructing spectacles.

They can turn anything into a nightmare. It is the only pleasure, the mitigation of the vast internal tragedy of their creation

Why Especially The nightmare?

Because the nightmare has a deep, violent aesthetic that expresses the essence of all existence, for unity is life with the self directly with its reality and its absolutely naked essence, its pleasure in the imagination, and its ecstasy in terrifying imagination.

Their imagination was not aroused except by what expresses images of their vision of existence and their vision of themself. The work of the imagination always depends on deepening the greatest basic feeling in the conscience.

This deepening comes to remove the greatest basic feeling in the conscience or to know its essence and the basic feeling when they wanted to express their strangeness in the midst of people.

In the midst of everyone, but this does not appear unless they turn physically into another being, and also disgusting, as he feels that he is inside, the richness of the body and its difference is the one who will say to all people “I am a stranger to you in a hideous way” and retain a human part in it.

That is done in order to tell them "I am a strange human being", and their entire resistance until they opened the door to their room indicates that they are also ignorant of all their strangeness and that they live in great misery to discover themself.

Does loneliness do all this to us? This refers us to what they call Kafka and his strangers of the kind. They contain what Kafka contains everything and they have what Kafka has of everything.

What I mean here is that they have a mind, conscience, imagination, and a body and that what Kafka wrote did not beget him because he is a separate being from man, with the same human soul. And what one soul produces is what all souls can produce.

The End

That's not exactly a review of the whole book. To be honest, I don't think I could ever review a whole book in a post. Kafka's works are very similar to Charlie Kaufman movies, who in turn is my favorite screenwriter. If you're a fan of this book like I am, I think you might really like watching Synecdoche, New York. You could also try reading it while listening to the movie's soundtrack and you'd be amazed by how well it goes together.

Thank You For Reading!


Quite a good book, and fitting for what has been going on. Thanks for the reminder and the suggestion of the sound track and book recommendation.
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I know you're not suppose to judge a book by it's cover... but that's just freaky.


Good review of The Metaphosis. Definitely sounds like a book that is appropriate for the times. Thanks for sharing.


In the midst of everyone, but this does not appear unless they turn physically into another being, and also disgusting, as he feels that he is inside, the richness of the body and its difference is the one who will say to all people “I am a stranger to you in a hideous way” and retain a human part in it.

This paragraph stood out as most particular to how I read Kafka's The Metamorphosis, and quite honestly exactly how I feel sometimes, and why Kafka resonated with me strongly when I first read it.

In a wider metaphorical sense, at least up until my late 30's I had to do stuff on the regular that went against my whole being, my emotional makeup, and even sometimes my core beliefs (all for work)... and the only way I could deal with these things was to remove myself to the nightmare, to one of many iterations of my own night terrors to relieve the impact of what I knew I was doing. Essentially, I'm saying we often all make monsters of ourselves internally, but on the subconscious level, it is as literal as Kafka's The Metamorphosis.

That might seem a little over the top as an analysis, but it is just the way I always read it.
