BoJack Horseman First Impression And Reaction: Season 3 - Episodes 1-4


Hey, everyone. This is a series where I will be sharing my thoughts as I go through a show everyone in my circle recommended for the first time. It won't be exactly a first impression as whatever episodes I talk about will be watched at least three times before sharing these thoughts


Episode 1 - Start Spreading the News

Plot B is Todd just doing his own thing providing the episode with a lightheartedness that it needed to remain a comedy considering plot A

Plot A of this episode is a good way to start a new season. BoJack goes to New York to promote his movie. Another highlight of BoJack's insecurities as he is unable to let go of his success in Horsin' Around and be seen as a "serious actor"

It also highlights how the events from season 2 episode 11 - Escape From LA are laying heavily on BoJack. Between BoJack struggling to let go of his old show matching his attempt to forget about the events that transpired 2 episodes earlier colliding to create an ending where BoJack "forgetting" both signifying denials and him "accepting" being his true self actually means being something he isn't.

My Rating: 7.5/10

It's a good way to start the season by reminding us of previous events. It's well-done all around, however, nothing that great.

Episode 2 - The BoJack Horseman Show

This episode is a great flashback episode. Watching a show with people in relationships who happen to have such different characters you always how they came to be. This episode does that very well while remaining lighthearted and fun to watch.

You get to see how everyone was in the mid-2000s, how Diane ended up with Mr. Peanutbutter, how princess Carolyn became an agent, Todd lived with BoJack, and most importantly how BoJack had a failed attempted return to T.V that was a personal project.

My Rating: 8/10

It's a very fun episode with a lot of intriguing moments that you know will come back later in the future which is something I love about this show in general.

Episode 3 - BoJack Kills

In this episode, we get a murder/mystery approach to the show as BoJack tries to escape being framed for murder. We get to see BoJack and Diane's relationship and how BoJack's influence on Diane might not be that good as she makes decisions because of him.

The ending of the mystery is a bit anti-climatic and the ending of the episode is great. There really isn't much to say about this episode.

My Rating: 5/10

Take away the final conversation of the episode and this becomes the worst episode of the show, keep it and you have one of the worst episodes, that's how bad it is. If you watch the last 5 minutes of the episode then you know all there's to know about it. Very forgettable episode.

Episode 4 - Fish Out of Water

When you have a world as intriguing as the one with BoJack Horseman there really is a great reason to explore and show more of it. This episode does just that as we follow BoJack Horseman in an underwater adventure when he goes to a film festival underwater. We get to see that the world under the surface is similar to the one we have seen with a few differences.

Not only that we go through a silent journey with BoJack exploring his guilt for his actions last season which led to the firing of Kelsey. You see the depth of that guilt feeling coupled with an unequipped brain to handle it. All done without dialogue for most of the episode, giving you a chance to really sit in that guilt.

The praise doesn't end here for the episode as we also see BoJack attempting to help a child seahorse find his family as they go through a very silly adventure as BoJack attempts to over-compensate for his guilt by insisting he helps the child.

My Rating - 9/10

Not as good as Escape LA but deserves the same rating.

This episode was really good on the first watch and flat-out amazing on the second. Even the joke at the end adds to the misery we feel throughout this journey in a hilarious way.

In Conclusion

Take away the third episode and we have a great start to the season. Most of the comedy landed, and the exploration of the world is amazing. We see new things that add depth to the characters' relationships with each other in our eyes.

Previous BoJack Horseman First Impression And Reaction

Season 1 - Episodes 1-3

Season 1 - Episodes 4-6

Season 1 - Episodes 7-9

Season 1 - Episodes 10-12

BoJack Horseman First Impression And Reaction: Season 1 Overview And Review

Season 2 - Episodes 1-4

Season 2 - Episodes 5-7

Season 2 - Episodes 8-10

Season 2 - Episodes 11-12 And Season 2 Overview
