More Bots Reduction coming to Splinterlands soon

Recently we have seen how changes are made on splinterlands to remove the bots from modern format. This change is good because now we have one format dedicated for the real players and another one is for the players as well as bots so if someone is interested to play battles only with real players then we know the place. It is a modern format where we can play only with the real players while with the wild we can be matched with bots or the player. This change has been good in the game and everyone seemed to be happy after the change implementation in the game ecosystem.


We can earn more rewards in the modern format as compared to the wild format and this is the reason why many players have started playing in modern and even tried playing multiple battles there. I used to play wild only because I can use all my cards in this format whereas with modern there is a restriction and I can use only the latest edition cards in the battle. I have played a lot of battles in the last few days and all I can say is that it is not easy to win more because there are some amazing players who are really doing good and to compete with them it is needed to have powerful cards. I have powerful cards but sadly these are not from the latest editions and this is the reason why I had to struggle while playing in modern. I spent about three days and did not get any loot chest in return so I thought that I will be playing some wild battles in between.


More Bots Reduction

There are 2 active proposals in the game and below is the snapshot of both I shared. Both are created to reduce the bot usage in the game but they have allowed the automated play in wild league only. Both proposals are almost passed in the game as they have got the required amount of support from the community and it is good because both are trying to target the automated player used in the game. Earlier we have seen that the modern league is now free from bots so technically there is no way one can play the battles with automated players known as bots. Now it is being taken forward and this restriction is also going to be implemented in tournaments and brawls. with tournaments, they have mentioned that if the person who creates the tournament allows the bot usage then it should be used so its in the hands of the person organising the tournament and that person can allow or restrict the bot's usage.


Playing battles with the real player is fun and also makes us feel that we really need to skill up our battle expertise if we really want to win because there are people that have got great command over the game. There are multiple changes happened in the game in the last few months and even a few new abilities are introduced so if we want to deal with all the changes then it is important for us to get familiar with the current battleground. The battle experience between the modern and wild is completely different and I believe we cannot compare because when we play with void then there is hardly any restriction in terms of cards but with modern there is restriction and I struggle a lot there.

While I was playing the battle then I got to know that there are some good cards that I think I should buy soon with a higher level so that they can be a good addition to my deck. even though there are some parts that I have in my account but they require the upgrade so that is another part that I got to know while playing the battle in modern format. Altogether it is a good learning in the game when I got to know about some new abilities as well as some new seminars that I have not used while playing in the wild but now with modern, they are quite useful.

Its almost 120K SPS

Talking about my sps holding so here is my current holding snapshot where I am going to make it 120K shortly. I hope that this will be done in just the next couple of days. I have not been focused much on SPS for the last two weeks approximately and I think this will be a bit longer. Undoubtedly SPS is something that everyone wants to have as much as possible and even I do.
There is a reduction in the apr and this has been ongoing for the last few weeks because of more people powering up SPS and it can go even lower.



Overall this is good that now bots will have a specific place to play and we can decide if we want to play by ourselves or want to go with automated play. Choices are given to the players and they choose how they want to play and that too with the alignment with the community so everyone is happy including the real players and automated players as well.

Thank you

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Awesome work! I really should have started playing back in the day!

Love this. I'd rather play real people and hang out with other hivians!


I think this change for Splinterlands was absolutely necessary. All the users I showed Splinterlands to in 2022 stopped playing because they found it boring. Now that there are no more bots in the modern, things have improved.


Bro i talked about this as well.. I'm kind of happy about this hopefully more people will be interested now that they know they will be fighting against other "humans" at least 95% since there is still the private ones that are hard to detect


It's good and most of the players are happy with the change. I know modern has become difficult not but it's fun really.
Splinderlands had implemented some technical barrier to bar these bots I believe. What is this private ?
You mean we still have bots in modern?


It's actually ok :P. you find it difficult because you didn't play as much. you relied on bot before remember. even though u kno i bot i also have a scholar account that i play manuallye veryday and i play many brawls manually on multiple accounts so i would say i have a lot of experience with manual play. Yes of course we still have bots in modern. They are private bots run on peoples computer. not detectable by splinterlands unless splinterlands make us install something on our computer to check the programs running but would they do that.

The public bots like archmage and xbot yes they already worked with splinterlands team and ban in modern. the service doesnt allow it but this is different when it comes to private


This private thing is news for me but atleast the major chunk is out and that makes a bigger difference.
I know it's difficult but now trying to be more active on modern. I have improved a bit but rather than aggresive approach I thought of playing some battles and improve slowly.

Brawls I have always played manually and don't even know if bot can do that too.


yes brawls can the private ones probably do. i dont think the public ones did


Right. For brawls, I have not seen option with the bots. Anyways brawls don't take much time so I think most of us can easily do.


yessss doesnt take much time. hopefully after battlehelper ban e can first every brawl. last brawl i think we lost to battlehelper guild


I believe that as you mentioned the biggest advantage is the manual battle improvement, many tournaments sometimes we end up going unnoticed forgetting cards that could give us victory, and so whoever can better counter the opponent's card will be stronger.


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