Looking for an effective strategy to start your crypto journey??? Try DCA(Dollar cost averaging)...


Dollar Cost Averaging!!! Have you perhaps heard about dollar cost averaging and do not know how to go about it or do you need a strategy to approach the volatility of the crypto market.... Stay tuned as all your question will be shared and explained in this post...
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Dollar Cost averaging(DCA)

According to Investopedia..
Dollar cost averaging is an approach or a strategy to purchasing and investment in which the buyer spreads out their purchases so that the total price paid is less affected by market timing...
The definition of the (DCA) above simply implies that dollar cost averaging is a strategy whereby an investor spreads out their investment in various time frames take for example the crypto space the investor buy coins at different time intervals to evade loss and also continue to accumulate more and even when the coins bought dips it will not be affected...
For an average man who tries to make ends meet the problems that could cause the lack of dollar cost averaging is lack of capital to invest or buy investment at intervals. This problem alone will discourage them to actually put in the work to invest.
Dollar cost averaging is one of the smart moves or strategy that needs to be adopted if financial freedom is what you need and what you desire... It has work for many in the past, it is working for some people currently and I sure damn well that it will also work in the future..
..why don't you get on the train now!! to be part of the success story of people who attain financial freedom through DCA.....
If perhaps there are questions that persist, kindly slide below and ask away....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
