Ask Leo: Is the lack of mass adoption due to the masses' perception of crypto as a fraud or delusion combo?


For years, the general public has been divided on the idea of cryptocurrencies. Some see them as a safe investment, while others see them as a form of fraud and madness. So far, mass adoption has not occurred, largely due to the lack of understanding among the public. In this blog post, you will learn the perception of cryptocurrencies among the general public and how this lack of understanding is holding back mass adoption. The blog post also explains the factors that have led to this divide and how we can remedy it. Ultimately, we believe that mass adoption of cryptocurrencies is inevitable, but it will require a lot of work on the part of the media and the general public.


Cryptocurrencies are an exciting new form of money.However, they are also controversial. Many people think of crypto as a combination of fraud and madness. This is because cryptocurrencies are not backed by any government or institution, and they are not regulated by any financial authority. As a result, there is a risk that cryptocurrencies could become worthless overnight.

However, there are many benefits to using cryptocurrencies. For example, cryptocurrencies can be used to buy goods and services or to invest in new projects. They can also be used to store value outside of the traditional banking system. Cryptocurrencies are also becoming more widely accepted by businesses and institutions. So, the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies is only a matter of time. In the meantime, we need to continue to educate people about the benefits of cryptocurrencies so that they can understand their potential role in the future economy.

Perception Of Crypto

When it comes to the perception of cryptocurrency, a lot of people see it as one thing – fraud. In fact, according to a recent survey, almost 60% of people in the United States consider crypto to be a fraud. However, this isn't the only perception that people have. A lot of people also see it as madness.

For example, take a look at how CNN recently described crypto: Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual tokens that use cryptography for security and are traded on decentralized exchanges without government or financial institution involvement. This is an accurate description of what crypto is, but it doesn't paint an accurate picture of how people see it. To many people, cryptocurrency is something that's out of their reach and completely out of their control.

Despite the negative perceptions that many people have about cryptocurrency, there are still a lot of potential users out there who aren't aware of its potential. The industry is still largely unregulated, which means that there are still risks involved with investing in this type of technology. And, even though crypto has been around for several years now, it's still in its infancy – meaning there's still plenty more growth and development to come!

Lack Of Understanding

Cryptocurrencies are a new and revolutionary form of money that is being used by millions of people around the world. At first, most people didn't understand how they worked or why they were worth anything. Today, however, the industry has matured and people are starting to see the benefits of crypto.

Despite this growth, many people still don't understand how crypto works or why it's worth anything. They think it's a scam or a bubble that is going to burst at any moment. They don't understand the technology behind it, and they don't trust it – even though most major banks are now involved in crypto. The media isn't helping either – they're mostly focusing on negative stories about cryptocurrencies instead of educating their audience about what this technology is and what its potential is.

The industry needs to do a better job of educating people about the benefits of crypto so that everyone can see how it can benefit them. Only then will we see mass adoption – and until then, we'll continue to see rampant fraud and madness!

FUD And Media

Cryptocurrencies are in the news all the time, but do people actually think of them as a viable form of payment? Recent research indicates that the answer is no. In fact, almost two-thirds of American adults have not heard of cryptocurrency at all. This is despite the fact that there has been a surge in interest in cryptocurrencies recently.

Part of this may be due to the negative publicity that cryptocurrencies have received from mainstream media. They have been labeled as fraudulent and madness by some outlets, which has scared away many potential buyers. However, social media can help to change this reputation. A recent study found that when compared to traditional financial institutions, cryptocurrencies had a much better reputation on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. This is likely because social media allows for quick and easy sharing of information amongst users.

Education is also key to the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies. Many people are still unaware of their benefits – especially when compared to traditional forms of payment like credit cards or bank accounts. Cryptocurrencies offer far more advantages than simply being an alternative form of payment – they are secure, anonymous, and efficient! Once people understand these benefits, mass adoption will most likely follow suit.

However, FUD (fear uncertainty, and doubt) can still do its damage on occasion. Just like any other new technology or product launch, there will always be those who try to spread false rumors about cryptos in order to deter others from investing in them. However, with positive news stories mixed in with education about cryptos – FUD can be easily countered with factual information instead.

To Wrap Up

The cryptocurrency industry is still in its infancy and has a long way to go before it becomes mainstream. In the meantime, there is a lack of understanding about cryptocurrencies among the general public, which is exacerbated by FUD and negative media coverage. Education is key to increasing adoption, and we must continue to spread the word about this revolutionary technology.

Thanks for viewing my post and do have a lovely day.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think this is a very valid and timely question. It would be great to have a Twitter Poll.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thanks, I do believe more people needs to see this because as a result of the masses perception that might be why we are lacking mass adoption.
Thanks for checking out my post.


Good read. The truth of the matter is that the boundaries to adoption are multifactorial. Some camp on the idea that cryptocurrencies are a fad, others think its a scam, and a minority posit that it's entirely harmful to the environment and the energy expenditure is largely wasted.

Then there's us, the ones in it for the technology. You really can't win them all, but I reckon as the government starts messing with the USD through inflation, unnecessary policies and nonsensical regulations, people are going to warm up to the crypto rhetoric.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
