It's Not What We Do Once In A While That Shapes Our Lives. It's What We Do Consistently.

In today’s fast-paced world, quickly gratification had become what cause distraction for most of hustler, we get caught up looking for miracle to happen without putting much work on our goals.

Yes we all have a certain goals and aspirations in to reach in our life, but the path to achieving them is not something that come easily, it comes with an obstacle, and challenges and due to that many lack the ability and motivation to keep grinding.


What success means to many of us is something so different, but in area of life success is something that brings sense of satisfaction, happiness which I myself will consider as a result of your hard working. In order to achieve success in any area of life, it is crucial to maintain a consistent approach, ie. doing things time to time till it become a lifestyle. That really helped in shape out life for good.

Consistency is the key to achieve goals or dreams in life, but unfortunately, it definition was not clear to many because it hard for them when they failed or don't meet their expectations, therefore they lack to stick to a routine.

Imagine doing things over and over again will makes me perfect than the one that do it once, it will make me focus on a goal and maintain a particular standard, habit, or pattern of behavior towards shaping my life better.

Let just look into consistency in a few worlds and what means in shapes our life for better.

Repetition: Doing things twice is an important way to shape our life for good, there is no results if you refuse to make another steps if you failed. Failure is an option, but life's give us another chance to try again. However when you repeat a process it will become a behavior for you, when you do it multiple times it will become an habit and from the process it will become your lifestyle if you do it yearly.

What you do over and over again because of success in a year will surely become part of you lifestyle and if you believe in the process it will shapes your life better.

In conclusion, let put consistency first for better of ourselves, our careers, and professions.


This is true, what we do constantly is what will shape our lives. That is why we need to focus on things that are able to help us to get where we wanna be.
