Team Flash Joins the DreemPort Newbie Marathon...


Greetings everyone here, I am very excited to welcome you all to my blog once again. Today I am writing this post as a response to the HHYM Marathon challenge which has just kicked started. In this post, I would briefly introduce myself, our team, and also our goal as well as our banner for the team.

A Brief Intro About Me

Mahamudu Abubakari is my name, with @abu78 as my username on the Hive blockchain. I have been on this platform for about 9 months now and have been active since day 1 when I joined Hive. The journey hasn’t been easy for me but I am grateful to God for how far I have come. I am a final year student at the University for Development Studies (UDS), Ghana currently reading Biochemistry as a course. I have the aim to become a Pharmacist and through the acquisition of my degree in Biochemistry, I can further achieve that goal in the near future. I love playing video games, more especially action genres but for now, I am more into blockchain games after being introduced to them through Hive blockchain. I like people who are honest and kind just as I am. I also like reading, swimming, and playing football during my leisure period. Since this is not a full introduction post of myself, I would end here but would leave my introduction post here for everyone to have access to.

Team and Our Goal

Our team goes by the name, “Team Flash”. It might sound weird and funny but never mind we got the best of goals in this campaign. Our goal is given below:

To provide our newbies with the oomph and speed they need to excel more efficiently and effectively.

Just as you can see from the name “Flash”, we want to boost the speed of learning of our newbies here and provide them with all the necessary resources that they are needed of as a newbie to flourish and become successful here on this platform. We have 3 newbies on our team and the rest are all oldies (8). We are going to make sure that we give them all the necessary support and guidance that a newbie requires here on hive in order to have a successful journey here. These would include; delegating HP and RC to them so they write and comment more, taking them through tutorials about some key Hive tools, introducing them to hive Dapps and how they function, and many others.

Before the end of this Marathon, we would make sure they get to know everything about Hive blockchain including how to write quality post on Hive, and also how to make your posts looks nice and attractive to your readers as well. I can’t explain everything here in this post so I would leave it here and maybe in my subsequent posts, you would get to know more about the progress of our newbies.

I would like to use this opportunity to thank @merit.ahama for allowing me into her team and also a big thanks to @olujay for this great banner design. Kudus to you all, also not forgetting my able team members, together we can achieve this goal, let’s all try our best so we can help these newbies grow as fast as we can.

Team's Banner


At last! I came across the infamous Team Flash🤭 Truth is, I thought 8 was the largest number of a team and they keep saying about Team Flash. You have such great objective.
Some people are comfortable with slow pace in learning but some, like me, we like speeding up, taking it all in, in a "flash".

Cheers to your team!
We may bump somewhere ahead, please say hi. Lol

💛Made my way here through #dreemport. #Dreemerforlife


It's wonderful to find you here. You have a wonderful team and I trust in your coaches so I'm sure you're in wonderful hands. I wish you all the best in the race @abu78 of Team Flash!! I hope the opportunity provides you with all you need.🌺


what a great group of both excellent experienced Hivers, and cool Newbies!
We at @dreemport LOVE helping others and this Marathon was an idea we found for Helping the newbies and pairing them with experienced Hivers!


Wow, your team name rings a lot of bells, cool 👍
