An unexplainable and elusive experiences in my life


Greetings to all and sundry on this our noble platform. I welcome you all to my blog once more, and today I write to submit my entry for the third edition of this week's contest (i.e., Week 47 edition 2), featuring the topic "Déjà Vu."

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Déjà vu is a mysterious phenomenon that many people have experienced at least once in their lives, yet it remains largely unexplainable and elusive. To me, it feels like a ghostly whisper from the past, a subtle reminder that I've been there before and lived through it once, long ago. It's both comforting and unnerving, and it can take many forms.

Growing up, I had my fair share of déjà vu experiences. I remember walking through my neighborhood one day on my way home from school and suddenly feeling like I had been there before. It was a sunny day, and the trees were blooming. I remember the smell of freshly mowed grass and the sound of children playing in the distance. As I rounded the corner, I felt a sudden wave of familiarity wash over me, and I could almost hear an inner voice saying, "You've been here before."

It was an odd sensation, but I was used to it by then. I had experienced déjà vu so many times before that it was almost like a sixth sense, warning me of something I knew but couldn't quite remember. But this time, it felt particularly strong. As I continued walking, I noticed little details I hadn't noticed before, like the pattern of cracks in the sidewalk and the way the sun shone through the leaves of the trees. It felt like something was happening in that moment that I had experienced in the past, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

On some occasions, the déjà vu sensation was so strong that I could almost sense a presence in the air. It was like a lingering energy that seemed to follow me wherever I went. I remember one night in particular when I was walking through the park. There was a light breeze in the air, and the trees were swaying gently in the wind. I could feel someone watching me from the shadows, and I had the distinct feeling that I had experienced this same moment before. I felt like I was being guided by a ghostly hand, almost like I was being taken back in time, and yet, I couldn't make out the details of the memory.

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The most profound déjà vu experiences I've had have been with people. I remember one day when I was walking to class, and I saw a girl in the hallway that I felt I had seen before. We locked eyes for a moment, and suddenly I felt an inexplicable sensation of familiarity. I knew I had never met her before, but something about her seemed oddly familiar.

At the time, I didn't understand why I was having such an intense feeling of déjà vu. Later that day, I realized that I had seen a picture of her months before. I had forgotten all about it, but it was like my subconscious mind had remembered and was trying to tell me something. In that moment, I felt like I had unlocked a door to a hidden world of knowledge, and it was the most intriguing sensation I had ever experienced.

Since then, I've had numerous déjà vu experiences, and they've all been incredibly unique and powerful. I have felt like I have been everywhere and done everything before, like I have already lived through it, and yet, I can never quite remember the details of the memory. It's a strange and wonderful feeling, and it's one that I still don't quite understand.

Déjà vu is a mysterious and often unexplainable experience, but it can also be incredibly powerful. It can bring a sense of comfort and familiarity, or a feeling of being guided by a force greater than ourselves. It can make us feel connected to something larger than us, and remind us that we are part of something bigger. Déjà vu is mysterious and elusive, but it has the power to make us feel alive.

I designed this Image myself using Canva


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Dejavu experience is unexplainable and the fact that it comes and go like a flash makes it more powerful. When such happens, we feel we already lived before now and another thing is it's like guiding and warning us to be careful.


Yeah, it’s an interesting and amazing experience to go through. Thanks for stopping by
