75.24379442 BEE
Vote Value
0.00663905 BEE
Quoc-Huy Nguyen Dinh
Huy (for short). Native flute making & playing | Blacksmithing | Gardening | Worm Farming | Witness | Developer
0.00059023 BEE
Vote Value
0.00000005 BEE
photographer & writer in love with the world, travel, nature & life. hard-partying, metal loving, dog obsessed. Hive blockchain liaison, educator, and -at one time- long term consensus witness.
0.02554013 BEE
Vote Value
0.00000225 BEE
Curating content that is posted natively from https://inleo.io and paying HIVE POWER delegators up to 18% APR in our token, LEO. Learn more about us at https://docs.inleo.io
0.28426283 BEE
Vote Value
0.00002508 BEE
OCD Manual Curation Delegation Rewards Service
Curation, Onboarding and Community Incubation. - Delegating to @ocdb gives you daily curation reward payouts in Hive & HBD along with @reward.app rewards. We also reward delegators with any and all kinds of extra rewards @ocdb receives and generate free accounts for newcomers.
0.37167406 BEE
Vote Value
0.00003279 BEE
11.23037203 BEE
Vote Value
0.00099090 BEE
You love something set it free! Join immutable, uncensored, rewarding communities! https://ecency.com
8.02121469 BEE
Vote Value
0.00070774 BEE