The influence of being in power

There is the saying “Follow who knows the road”. I believe in connection and the ultimate power it has in its reach. You can't know the value of it until you experience it firsthand. It is good to have power, even if you are not in control, make sure you are connected to someone in power. Somehow someday. You will need power.

Wealth and money are so heavy and sometimes become a burden on whoever carries it, the same way power is. Power is like a heavy sword, and only the strong ones can wield it. It's not meant for the faint-hearted ones.

To get in power there must be a lot of sacrifice along the journey. You can't wake up today and find yourself in the seat of power. If way then someone must have paid the sacrifice.

You see, the interesting thing about the seat of power is that there are limited chances and vacancies. So it’s most of the time like survival of the fittest thing. Only the strong prevail. For example the seat of a king! We all know the power the king has over their kingdoms. But becoming a king is never an easy game.

If it were to be an easy game then almost everyone would have a share of the seat and use the power together. But there are battles, competitions, and struggles, along the way. Many would start but only a few would get to the finish line. And those who attain the finish line become the most powerful ruler.

That's just an example of power. We have different sectors where different people hold power. In politics it’s a different level, in the military it's another different thing, as civilians it's another level, into religion it's also another level. So does power vary?

An experience I had with power was not from me actually, but was from someone I knew. I served in the military barracks and was opportune to have met with different personalities, the lower ranks and the higher ranks.

After some time I was also given a title to hold which gave me the chance to connect with some officers in power. I got so close with one of the commanders in charge. I never knew there would come a day when I would reap the benefit of his power. All I knew was just to know him.

There was a time when I went to the immigration office to get my international passport. I tried to pass through the normal routine and not that shortcut method used by the immigration officers. That’s way costly. When I got to the office, I realized they decided to punish me because I decided not to follow their way then I won't have my way.

They attended to every other person leaving me behind. I was so frustrated but I didn't have a choice. Not until the day when I saw this commander came to the immigration office to get his passport too. The funny thing is people in power will always have their way even if there is no pathway. He came in and went Indirectly. Got all his documentation and his capturing too.

I was wowed! Then I had to stay somewhere where he would see me, but unfortunately he didn’t. I knew I lost my chance. The next day I was there again and then I saw him. This time around he sighted me himself, called me, and asked what I came for. I told him I had not been attended to all these while. Then he took me to the registrar in charge. Introduced me and asked them to work on my file with immediate effect.

See me in complete happiness that very day. What could have taken me forever to accomplish was accomplished within a few minutes. That very day I realized the weight of being in a powerful position. I was so pleased and appreciative of him for even recognizing me and helping me out.

I can never forget how he helped me that day and I have also promised to be of help whenever I meet with people in need no matter how little.

This is my response to the HIVE LEARNERS weekly prompt in hive learners community for the Week 123 Edition 3 and the topic to be discussed is POWER AND INFLUENCE

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0.01193083 BEE

Yeah, power is so sweet when it's not used to oppress people as it is in the habit of so many these days. The poor can't breathe because these guys feel they have all it takes

0E-8 BEE

It's sure a good thing when people in Power help others to achieve what would have taken forever. But it hurts more when people are trampled upon by the influencial ones.

0E-8 BEE

0E-8 BEE