Say No to alcohol 🍺. My thoughts about banning alcohol in my country.

You never can tell the effect of alcohol not until you see it turn a responsible man irresponsible right before your eyes. The impact of drugs is just way worse than alcohol. When you take drugs, no matter how small you take, you will get affected immediately. Too much of drugs can make one lose their senses and lose consciousness which can lead to death.

There was a day when I was in a vehicle traveling, then i saw this yet to be responsible man become so irresponsible after the effect of taking alcohol. I would call him yet to be responsible because I know with his age, he would have a wife and kids at home, and he is yet to be responsible to them from the very moment he started taking alcohol.

Now taking alcohol left him yet to be responsible, but not only that he also advanced to taking excessive amounts of alcohol till he got drunk and that rendered him irresponsible.

He was staggering in the rain so wet, he couldn’t navigate his way home anymore. The worst part of it was when he fell into the gutter along the road, he couldn’t feel the pain of his injuries, not until some boys in the community dragged him out of the gutter.

I don't take alcohol or any form of drugs, so if I were asked to choose between having alcohol banned or not, I would have it banned. And this is because of those who are abusing it.

There are times when all of these hard drugs and even alcohol become of importance to the human system. Medically, there are some of these drugs that are prescribed to patients to cure some kind of illness, some are used to ease and relieve pains maybe when they are about to undergo surgical operations.

But the abuse of it by people is what makes it look so bad. When they decide to take the drugs that were to be prescribed for a surgical patient at one dose before and after their surgery.

Then you see someone who is normal but wants to overwork himself without pain, take that same drug in large quantities so that it can work faster, and then it would go the wrong side by affecting him mentally.

The same thing applies to alcohol too. Some medical uses of alcohol won't cause any harm to the patient. But out there is where you see some people gather together and then take it as a form of celebration drinking bottles of alcohol in the name of the good life.

If I had the power to ban alcohol in my country.

I will also support the motion of banning alcohol in the country and this is because of the abuse people have on it. The only reason why I don't want to have it banned is when there is a regulation to it. If the federal government could have the intake and production of alcohol regulated in the country.

It is painful to see at times that most of these people who abused the intake of alcohol never had a happy home. They would always have issues with their families at some moment when they can't think straight again thereby leaving the burden on other members of the family.

Another worse part of it is the shame it brings to the family and friends of such drunkards. For example, the man in the gutter after being robbed of all his money and assets then had to call upon his wife or children to come and drag him home. It's a big shame not only to the families but to the community at large.

There should be moderation in everything we do. Even when you eat too much food and junk food there are always a side effect of it. Too much of everything is always harmful. But having it in moderation is what makes it retain its value.

This is my response to the HIVE LEARNERS weekly prompt in hive learners community for the Week 118 Edition 1 and the topic to be discussed is **



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These substances and chemicals are very dangerous to our health, yet people keep taking it as if their life depends on it.


That yet-to-be-responsible man that fell inside the gutter, the kind of pain he is gonna feel when his eyes become clear he won't believe it. Yeah, you are right being drunk brings shame to the family, imagine walking by and seeing your close relative staggering on the road due to alcohol😔😔
