I was one of those who grew up watching these Dreamworks movies that cause so much nostalgia now. This one in particular is one of my favorites both for its incredible 3D animation (something that curiously I now leave aside with more recent works that use this type of animation), its soundtrack and its unforgettable characters.
It is true that it has its cons as well as its pros, but since I haven't seen it for a while, I haven't stopped to notice them. His style of humor is one I got used to seeing and laughing at when I was little back then (imagine a 7 and 8 year old kid laughing at an ogre with an arrow stuck in his back 🥴).
But hey, I'm one of those who prefer to watch Adam Sandler movies when it comes to humor, maybe that's why I have a lot of fun with this movie too. But if we focus on the main story we can realize that Sreck is practically a satire of all the fairy tales we know from Disney. So for a satirical fantasy comedy with visually unpleasant characters with immature personalities It's really well done, actually.
Well, this is just my opinion, everyone has their own tastes and preferences.
Good review.