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RE: CryptoShots TeknoPolly Contest

Crimson, tired of trying to get answers from the metal bird, decided to hook it up to the computer terminal to access it's programming. After fifteen minutes he was able find and decipher the code and discovered a handful of hidden messages along with what seemed like some back and forth correspondences.
Crimson typed in the command to play the messages and after another half hour bother he and Damson we're scratching their heads. The correspondences made no sense when combined with the requests for help.
Finally Damson turned to Crimson and spoke.
"Look, let's just focus on the help messages and find this Sir Hepsalot guy and turn the bird over to him."
Crimson nodded in agreement and and punched in the last known coordinates to the navigation console and set course.
"I do not recognize this sector so I'm also going to set a reverse course back to this point," Crimson mumbled.
The course was set the two companions continued to veiw the messages trying to piece it all together and make sense out of what did not.
After another hour at the terminal both men turned away in frustration and exhaustion.
"Crimson, give up for now. Let's get something to eat and some rest. Afterwards we can try again and maybe, finally figure it all out." Damson grabbed Crimson's arm and they left the room heading toward the dining hall.

@bacon-dub and @szmobacsi

0.00714270 BEE

"Well, let's get going." said Crimson, as he initiated the autopilot.

"Alright Polly, we're going to see your friends. I hope this doesn't get us in too much trouble!" said Damson, as he put the metallic bird on his lap, and sat back.

Three days later:

"Thank you for your help. I can't reward you right now, but trust when this is over, you will be very rich men." said Sir Hepsalot, as he extended his hand.

"That's what I like to hear!" exclaimed Damson, whose friend was nodding furiously in the background.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get going before it's too late to help them." said Sir Hepsalot, as he rose from his chair.

RED ALERT! ENEMY VESSEL APPROACHING! began to blare in a never-ending loop, until Sir Hepsalot pushed a button.

He checked his sensors, then swore softly.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen, but we have a problem. Unless you want to take your chances out there, it looks like you will be coming along." said Sir Hepsalot said, looking at Crimson and Damson.

@mineopoly @dreemsteem @kemmyb @kenechukwu97 @littlebee4 can you please help me with this???

0.00001349 BEE