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Waka's Army

Toller nodded and joined him. Turning to the men and women concealed within the treeline behind, he lifted his sword into the air. “We have been bandits, hiding in the forests and mountains. We have been thieves, stealing from honest travelers so that we might feed our families. Now we can be something different. Now, because of Waka Spiritblade, we can be heroes.” Some of the bandits he’d recruited started to emerge from the trees as Toller continued. “He stands down there alone, against a tide of chaos. Who’ll stand with him and see that this enemy doesn’t take another town or kill another soul?” The cheers sent a shiver down his spine and set a fire burning in his gut, as more of the bandits stepped from the woods, waving their weapons in the air and adding to the rapturous shouts. “Follow me! Follow Waka!” Toller shouted as he started across the grasslands towards Evergrove. “Today, we fight for Praetoria -From Waka’s Army, an entry in the Tome of CHAOS

Collection: Chaos Legion

Creator: @splinterlands

Edition(s): 100

splinterlands5Private7000 SPT
splinterlands6Private7000 SPT
splinterlands7Private7000 SPT
splinterlands8Private7000 SPT
splinterlands9Private7000 SPT
splinterlands10Private7000 SPT
@abrockman bought edition #4 from @splinterlands for 7000 SPT
3 years ago [view tx]
@abrockman bought edition #3 from @splinterlands for 7000 SPT
3 years ago [view tx]
@abrockman bought edition #2 from @splinterlands for 7000 SPT
3 years ago [view tx]
@druidsblood bought edition #1 from @splinterlands for 7000 SPT
3 years ago [view tx]
@splinterlands tokenized 100 editions
3 years ago [view tx]