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Silus II

"You take liberties with my patience, sorceress," Silus spat. He was rubbing his temples. She noticed his mood. The war had been won. Sure, pockets of resistance remained, but nothing they couldn’t stamp out. The Splinterlands were his. And yet, he had grown increasingly withdrawn. She guessed he must be looking for something on this world; a quest apart from his will to dominate it. His violent episodes and outbursts had grown increasingly more pronounced. He was spending considerably more time in that medicinal pool of his, and she was determined to understand why. Her masquerade as his doomsayer was soon to pay off.  —From The Offering, an entry in the Tome of CHAOS

Collection: Chaos Legion

Creator: @splinterlands

Edition(s): 50

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@hurricanelye bought edition #5 from @splinterlands for 7000 SPT
9 months ago [view tx]
@abrockman bought edition #4 from @splinterlands for 7000 SPT
2 years ago [view tx]
@abrockman bought edition #3 from @splinterlands for 7000 SPT
2 years ago [view tx]
@abrockman bought edition #2 from @splinterlands for 7000 SPT
2 years ago [view tx]
@druidsblood bought edition #1 from @splinterlands for 7000 SPT
2 years ago [view tx]
@splinterlands tokenized 50 editions
2 years ago [view tx]