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Battle Mage Ready

Both battle mages drew cards from a small satchel at their sides, holding them out before them. They were encapsulated in a warped light that shrouded their bodies as their features twisted and took on certain aspects of another entity. -From Change, an entry in the Tome of CHAOS

Collection: Chaos Legion

Creator: @splinterlands

Edition(s): 100

splinterlands5Private7000 SPT
splinterlands6Private7000 SPT
splinterlands7Private7000 SPT
splinterlands8Private7000 SPT
splinterlands9Private7000 SPT
splinterlands10Private7000 SPT
@abrockman bought edition #4 from @splinterlands for 7000 SPT
2 years ago [view tx]
@abrockman bought edition #3 from @splinterlands for 7000 SPT
2 years ago [view tx]
@abrockman bought edition #2 from @splinterlands for 7000 SPT
2 years ago [view tx]
@druidsblood bought edition #1 from @splinterlands for 7000 SPT
2 years ago [view tx]
@splinterlands tokenized 100 editions
2 years ago [view tx]