NFT Marketplace


Official Splinterlands fan art created by @pchaz! Splinterchampion is an official Splinterlands account created for selected Art Contest Winner’s NFTs. ABOUT PCHAZ: My name is Paolo Chaz Gomez and I go by Pchaz as my signature name. Drawing is one of the things that I love to do. The process is relaxing, enjoyable, and feels rewarding when finished. I'm currently working as a 2D/3D multimedia artist and animator. WHY THIS CHARACTER: When I was deciding what to draw for my entry I thought of three things. First, it had to be the Death Element. Second, it needed to have a hint of a Halloween feel since it was October and I felt it was fitting. Third, I always find drawing the female a beautiful thing, and what better way to represent that than with the Dark Enchantress.

Collection: Splinterchampions

Creator: @splinterchampion

Edition(s): 50

buddyn7Private8888 SPT
buddyn8Private8888 SPT
radialcroissant12Private10000 SPT
splinterchampion17Private10000 SPT
splinterchampion18Private10000 SPT
splinterchampion21Private10000 SPT
splinterchampion22Private10000 SPT
splinterchampion23Private10000 SPT
splinterchampion24Private10000 SPT
splinterchampion25Private10000 SPT
splinterchampion26Private10000 SPT
splinterchampion27Private10000 SPT
splinterchampion28Private10000 SPT
splinterchampion29Private10000 SPT
splinterchampion30Private10000 SPT
@vcdragon bought edition #16 from @tigretimo for 8600 SPT
2 years ago [view tx]
@cemd bought edition #19 from @splinterchampion for 10000 SPT
3 years ago [view tx]
@dynamicrypto bought edition #16 from @splinterchampion for 10000 SPT
3 years ago [view tx]
@mathieu33 bought edition #20 from @splinterchampion for 10000 SPT
3 years ago [view tx]
@nathansenn bought edition #15 from @splinterchampion for 10000 SPT
3 years ago [view tx]
@evomaster bought edition #14 from @splinterchampion for 10000 SPT
3 years ago [view tx]
@radialcroissant bought edition #12 from @splinterchampion for 10000 SPT
3 years ago [view tx]
@flauwy bought edition #11 from @splinterchampion for 10000 SPT
3 years ago [view tx]
@donekim bought edition #10 from @splinterchampion for 10000 SPT
3 years ago [view tx]
@ralts00 bought edition #9 from @splinterchampion for 10000 SPT
3 years ago [view tx]
@druidsblood bought edition #13 from @splinterchampion for 10000 SPT
3 years ago [view tx]
@buddyn bought edition #8 from @splinterchampion for 10000 SPT
3 years ago [view tx]
@buddyn bought edition #7 from @splinterchampion for 10000 SPT
3 years ago [view tx]
@druidsblood bought edition #6 from @splinterchampion for 10000 SPT
3 years ago [view tx]
@abrockman bought edition #5 from @splinterchampion for 10000 SPT
3 years ago [view tx]
@abrockman bought edition #4 from @splinterchampion for 10000 SPT
3 years ago [view tx]
@abrockman bought edition #3 from @splinterchampion for 10000 SPT
3 years ago [view tx]
@abrockman bought edition #2 from @splinterchampion for 10000 SPT
3 years ago [view tx]
@abrockman bought edition #1 from @splinterchampion for 10000 SPT
3 years ago [view tx]
@splinterchampion tokenized 50 editions
3 years ago [view tx]