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One thing I simply just have to ask: where on inleo do you find your long-form articles for subscribers only?! I can't find my own or others 🤔
Great point... I don't know too! LOL @khaleelkazi (disregard... @tsunsica
already helped me! Thank you)
How do I make people find my "Subscriber Only" posts (not threads)... like this one:
By checking this part:
It's probably my fault and I didn't pay attention to something I should.
Not enough juice at this time of the night at least...
And is it possible you could offer a bit of guidance to dcity? I completely suck at that (just check my city... trash!)
I can get back to that...
Finding long form articles for subscribers should also be on the profiles page of a user. Not really sure if I'm blind or not looking hard enough, but I can't find it from phone
Niiice! Can't wait to try it out properly 😂
And just to avoid spamming too much, I'll be leaving the !DUO right here 😆
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