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RE: [Retroactive][Meaning] The Consistency Paradoxes (backward causation). || Les paradoxes de cohérence EN/FR


Dear Hivewatcher!

Before we start to prove anything, could we please know who are you?
What is your real identity and how do you decide what is spam or fake?

I see you have 88 followers and you are not following anybody. I am just curious how can you follow what is going on here on HIVE?

I have to inform you, that I am new here on Hive, as you call here NEWBIE and for me is not understandable how things are functioning here: who is deciding above whom, who is judging whom, who is a real person, who is an AI, who has multiple accounts?

So, before we start to judge anything here, please show your identity.

And please let me know what you have to do with this account:

@stayoutoftherz @woelfchen @manncpt Do you know that there are two HIVE WATCHERS?

@mammasitta with which one you are now on the discord? Be careful and do not SAY ANYTHING to them!

@schlees Hier hast du etwas für deine Investigation, wie ich es spüre.

0E-8 BEE

I am just curious how can you follow what is going on here on HIVE?

Dazu muss man niemandem folgen.

Passt alles, mach dir keinen Kopf, vor denen hast du als normaler User, welcher nichts mit Abzocke oder derartigem zu tun hat, eigene Inhalte teilt (fremde Inhalte mit Link zur Quelle kennzeichnet), nichts zu befürchten.

Alles gut, sei dir dessen sicher.

0.01160590 BEE

No, I was not aware but seems they are connected and do the same.

0E-8 BEE

I suggest to ask @jnmarteau as well

@heryanna I am on discord with hivewatcher #5419

0E-8 BEE

Both accounts "hivewatcher" & Hivewatchers" belong to Hivewatchers.

You can find more about our project here:

Someone reported this group of accounts in our Discord.

Could you please come to our Discord to talk about it?

All communities on Hive use Discord to communicate and for easier record-keeping of conversations.

Thank you

0E-8 BEE