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RE: Liquidity balancer (My little Python project)


Hey, @Arc7icWolf, thanks a ton! 😊

I totally get what you’re saying — I’ve been there too, doubting if I could ever call myself a programmer. (Edit: Still find myself there occasionally...) But trust me, all of this was just small steps and learning through mistakes. What you’re seeing now is the result of lots of trial and error (and a few headaches along the way).

The truth is, I still feel like I’m learning every day, and I bet every programmer out there feels the same. We all start from the same place — not knowing anything — but I guess the key is to keep at it. I’ve seen the ideas you’ve been working on, and I know you’re well on your way.

The fact that you’re passionate about learning means you’re already on the right track. Keep pushing, and one day you’ll look back at this and realize just how far you’ve come! Also, that I wasn't after all that far ahead... In some respects, I am looking at you from behind.


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I'll keep doing my best to learn new stuff :) and hopefully one day I'll be able to code a bit more properly 😅

In some respects, I am looking at you from behind

Only if we talk about errors or questions asked to ChatGPT, otherwise I'm the only one looking from behind !LOL

Now something I'd like to start understanding a bit more are databases and how to create, manage and access them.

I know, for example, that in your script you save in a cache some info about the fetched tokens (so you don't have to fetch them again each time you run the script), and I was asking myself: can be this considered as some sort of database? And if you would like to create a more complex one, you could use something like Pandas, right? And if wont to get even more complex, this is where you should consider using SQL?

Am I getting the steps right or I'm mixing different things together? 😅


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