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The only response I remember was you trying to silence me when I gave context to your call to unvote the witnesses that called you out for failing at witnessing.
Maybe you should proxy your votes to the other account instead of wasting it on disabled witnesses.
I would have engaged if you had given an actual response (eg: "We'll disable our witness now, oops!") instead of just trying to shut me up. I'm sick with a fever and impatient af so I just bailed rather then get sucked into a pointless argument likely to end in a discord ban anyway.
I'm making no argument for or against the t20, and until you fix your own shit you shouldn't be either.
It’s worth watching the original content that started all this
In it, a mere “I wish some of the top 20 were doing more for hive” was said
Some have taken that to create all this drama
Drama is a waste of time. I merely have said more people - especially in leadership positions - should do more for hive.
If anyone has an argument to say that that statement is a bad one to make, then they are likely the ones being spoken about.
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