The RC stats page is showing 750 million RCs for 'comment(50)'.
That means my student (@nmorey) should've been able to make about 21 posts, but the error message (above) indicates that 15 billion RCs will barely allow him to make one post.
He made his first post a few minutes ago and it used up 94% of his RCs.
I'm guessing it's based on the length of the post, then? Does the '50' refer to number of characters?
Thanks @asgarth and @dalz!
The RC stats page is showing 750 million RCs for 'comment(50)'.
That means my student (@nmorey) should've been able to make about 21 posts, but the error message (above) indicates that 15 billion RCs will barely allow him to make one post.
He made his first post a few minutes ago and it used up 94% of his RCs.
I'm guessing it's based on the length of the post, then? Does the '50' refer to number of characters?
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