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RE: A few thoughts...

Unvote comment- I should clarify that there were multiple people that acted entirely of their own accord and I made a handful of requests. The statement as it reads is true, but doesn't include the other part, which I've done here.

Repeat the criticism- a short line about you concurring with someone else would be great as it conveys the concern without much work on your part. It's a reality of stakeweighted dpos that you have asymetric considerations of accounts expressing concerns.

Big stakeholders to punish- I contend that voting your stake how you think it ought to be used is a fundamental aspect of this chain. you can vote the proposal. others can downvote posts or alter witness votes. that's been fair game as long as I've been here.

Hindsight I could have paused to ask why you were downvoting the second the proposal passed, but at the time it definitely felt like you were attacking this project. Sorry I escalated quickly.

0E-8 BEE

a short line about you concurring with someone else would be great as it conveys the concern without much work on your part. It's a reality of stakeweighted dpos that you have asymetric considerations of accounts expressing concerns.

Just because someone doesn't have a big stake, their concerns aren't less valid. Just shows how you are used to backroom deals and using your stake to blackmail and bribe.
I followed the public discussion, and wasn't satisfied by the replies. That's your fault

you can vote the proposal. others can downvote posts or alter witness votes.

And that you conflate the different types of votes, and think using one to enforce another, doesn't make you look good either.

Maybe you should just be quiet and meditate a bit.

0E-8 BEE