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In the dirt-filled streets of a small town lost in the Arizona desert, the story is told of a man known as SLIPPY. No one remembered his real name, but Slippy was recognizable at first glance by his long dark hair and small beard on his adult face. He usually only had two companions: an electric guitar and his big motorcycle that made him look tough, a classic chopper, beautiful from any point of view.
Slippy traveled from city to city, from town to town, from state to state, with only his faithful companions at his side. He was a lonely and individualistic man, everything he did he did alone, everything he had achieved was his. He had no one else to lean on in the path of his life.
In itself, his life had not always been this way, when he was a teenager he was a very happy and smiling person, he often traveled with his small band to play in bars and populated places. All that had changed after a fateful accident one afternoon when Slippy had decided to take the road to relax a little.
After hours on the road, a truck overturned on the side where Slippy was driving. It didn't hit him, thank the divine God of rock, but it made Slippy lose coordination when driving the motorcycle and fall to the ground, being dragged for more than 20 meters. At that moment he didn't feel anything, he didn't feel any pain, no sound, he thought he was shocked by the impact with the road.
When he opened his eyes, Slippy found himself in the hospital. He saw many lights passing through his eyes, but he didn't hear anything. He simply thought it was just another dream and that everything was going to happen as normal. So he decided to go back to sleep.
After being discharged from the hospital, the doctors gave Slippy the worst news: he had lost his hearing. This news hit him hard, but he just got up, paid what he owed to the hospital and went to see his motorcycle.
It was in a state of disrepair but he took it to the mechanic he trusted, his old friend Jhonny, who had been restoring vehicles for years. There he spent a little more money and began an endless journey to achieve his goal in this new stage of life: freedom.
In this way, on many occasions you can see a man either on the road or in some bars frantically playing the guitar, although he needs help to tune it from time to time. His fingers continue to mark the same rhythm as decades ago before the accident he had.
Currently my account consists of:
Level: | 389 |
Fans | 277428 |
Luck | 109649 |
Skill | 1265311 |
IM | 4957 |
I'm going to buy a UNIQUE card (that is, I don't have it in my collection) to improve little by little and it's the following:
If you are interested in playing RisingStar, here is my referral link
You can also join the official discord server to chat with other players and resolve all your doubts through the following link
Esta es la historia de Slippy.
En las calles llenas de suciedad de un pequeño pueblo perdido en el desierto de Arizona, se cuenta la historia de un hombre al que conocen como SLIPPY. Nadie recordaba su nombre real, pero slippy era reconocible a simple vista por su larga cabellera oscura y su pequeña barba en su rostro adulto. Por lo general, solo tenia 2 compañeras: una guitarra electrica y su gran motocicleta que lo hacia parecer rudo, una clasica chopper, hermosa desde cualquier punto de vista.
Slippy viajaba de ciudad en ciudad, de pueblo en pueblo, de Estado en Estado, unicamente con sus fieles compañeras a su lado. Era un hombre solitario e individualista, todo lo que hacia lo hacia solo, todo lo que habia conseguido era suyo. No tenia a nadie mas en quien apoyarse en el camino de su vida.
En si, su vida no siempre habia sido de esta manera, cuando era adolescente era una persona muy alegre y risueña, viajaba muchas veces con su pequeña banda para tocar en bares y lugares poblados. Todo eso habia cambiado tras un fatidico accidente una tarde en la cual Slippy habia decidido tomar la carretera para relajarse un poco.
Tras horas en la ruta, un camion volco para el lado donde conducia Slippy, no lo golpeo gracias al divino Dios del rock, pero hizo que Slippy perdiera la coordinacion en el manejo de la motocicleta y cayera al suelo, siendo arrastrado por mas de 20 metros. En ese momento no sentia nada, no sentia ningun dolor, ningun sonido, el pensaba que estaba shockeado por el impacto contra la ruta.
Al abrir los ojos Slippy se encontraba en el hospital, veia muchas luces pasar por sus ojos, pero no escuchaba nada, el simplemente pensaba que era un sueño mas y que todo iba a pasar con la mas absoluta normalidad. Asi que decidio volver a dormir.
Tras darse de alta en la internacion del hospital , los medicos le dieron la peor noticia a Slippy, habia perdido la audicion. A el le impacto de lleno esta noticia, pero solo se levanto, pago lo que debia al hospital y se marcho a ver su moto.
La misma estaba en un estado de deterioro pero la llevo al mecanico de confianza, su viejo amigo Jhonny, que durante años se habia dedicado a la restauracion de vehiculos. Alli gasto un poco mas de dinero y emprendio un viaje sin fin para su objetivo en esta nueva etapa de vida: la libertad.
De esta manera, en muchas ocasiones de puede ver a un hombre o en la carretera o en algunos bares tocando freneticamente la guitarra, Si bien necesita ayuda para afinarla de vez en cuando. Sus dedos siguen marcando el mismo ritmo de hace decadas antes del accidente que tuvo.
Actualmente mi cuenta consta de:
Nivel: | 389 |
Fans | 277428 |
Luck | 109649 |
Skill | 1265311 |
IM | 4957 |
voy a comprar 1 carta UNICA (Es decir que no la tengo en mi coleccion) para ir mejorando de a poco y es la siguiente:
Si te interesa jugar a RisingStar te dejo mi link de referido
También puedes unirte al servidor oficial de discord para chatear con otros jugadores y resolver todas tus dudas a través del siguiente enlace