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Nick was a young Englishman who frequented bars and events in England and Western Europe. He was born into an ordinary family, with working-class parents and two brothers with whom, although they had their differences, they were friends in everything.
As the years went by, Nick began to notice his ability to make sudden jokes and that everyone around him liked them, so he began to do small events and frequent places where comedians met to do stand-up.
Over time, Nick began to absorb new skills for his shows, so much so that the only thing he thought about when he returned from university was to practice for a possible event that came up 1 or 2 times each weekend in some bars he normally went to.
On one of those crazy nights in England, Nick had gone to a karaoke bar to relax with his friends. Drinks came and went, it was Nick's time to grab the microphone and something happened that left everyone stunned.
No one had heard Nick sing before in their lives, they had simply heard him make jokes, pranks, his usual comedies. This made his great friend Rick suddenly jump on him, grabbing him by the arms and saying: You should dedicate yourself to music.
That was how a small part of Nick began to give singing shows also in purely and exclusively bars, but as time went by he realized that it was not his thing. He had a harmonious and splendid voice but it was not what made him happy, he saw singing more as a hobby, as a pastime rather than as a way of living day to day to which he was already accustomed.
In this way, Nick dedicated himself solely to stand-up, becoming one of the most renowned comedians in Europe, leaving aside the musical part, singing, only for his family and friends.
Currently my account consists of:
Level: | 389 |
Fans | 277468 |
Luck | 109657 |
Skill | 1265311 |
IM | 4957 |
I'm going to buy a UNIQUE card (that is, I don't have it in my collection) to improve little by little and it's the following:
If you are interested in playing RisingStar, here is my referral link
You can also join the official discord server to chat with other players and resolve all your doubts through the following link
Esta es la historia de Nick.
Nick era un joven ingles que habitaba los bares y eventos en Inglaterra y el Oeste de Europa. Habia nacido en una familia comun y corriente, con padres trabajadores de clase media - alta y con 2 hermanos con los cuales , si bien tenian sus diferencias, eran compinches en todo .
A medida que pasaban los años, Nick fue notando su habilidad para realizar chistes repentinos y que a todas las personas a su alrededor les gustaban, asi fue como comenzaria a hacer pequeños eventos y a frecuentar lugares donde se reunian comediantes para hacer stand-up.
Con el tiempo Nick fue absorviendo habilidades nuevas para sus shows, tanto que en lo unico que pensaba al regresar de la universidad era a practicar para un posible evento que le salia 1 o 2 veces cada fin de semana en algunos bares a los que concurria normalmente.
En una de esas noches locas de Inglaterra, Nick habia concurrido a un bar karaoke para despejarse con sus amigos, tragos van tragos vienen, llegaba la hora de Nick de agarrar el microfono y sucedio algo que dejo atonitos a todos.
Nadie habia escuchado cantar a Nick antes en sus vidas, simplemente lo habian escuchado hacer chistes, bromas, sus comedias habituales. Esto hizo que su gran amigo Rick de repente saltara sobre el, agarrandolo de los brazos y diciendole: Debes dedicarte a la musica.
Asi fue como una pequeña parte de Nick comenzaba a dar shows de canto tambien en pura y exclusivamente bares, pero con el pasar del tiempo se dio cuenta que no era lo suyo. Tenia una voz armoniosa y esplendida pero no era lo que lo hacia feliz, veia el canto mas como un hobby, como un pasatiempo mas que como una forma de vivir el dia a dia a lo cual ya estaba acostumbrado.
De esta manera, Nick se dedico solamente al stand-up siendo uno de los comediantes mas reconocidos de Europa y dejando de lado solo para su familia o amigos la parte musical, el cantar.
Actualmente mi cuenta consta de:
Nivel: | 389 |
Fans | 277468 |
Luck | 109657 |
Skill | 1265311 |
IM | 4957 |
voy a comprar 1 carta UNICA (Es decir que no la tengo en mi coleccion) para ir mejorando de a poco y es la siguiente:
Si te interesa jugar a RisingStar te dejo mi link de referido
También puedes unirte al servidor oficial de discord para chatear con otros jugadores y resolver todas tus dudas a través del siguiente enlace
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