⭐Braden, The bald man + Rising Star Opening pack + Stats⭐



This is the story of Braden.

It was a very cold morning in Toronto when Braden woke up dizzy with a strange feeling in his head. When he went to the bathroom he realized that his hair was not what it used to be. At 25 years old, Braden was a well-known music producer in the Canadian indie scene.

He had grown up in a small town, where as a child he spent hours listening to his parents' vinyl records, something that fascinated him. At 18, he had moved to Toronto to study music production and over time he managed to make his way in the industry. However, the stress that comes with it, the sleepless nights and the pressure began to take their toll on him.

One day after mixing tracks in his studio he had to go to the hairdresser because he already had an appointment scheduled. Right there, the hairdresser confirmed what Braden suspected: he was going bald.

At first, Braden felt very insecure, and you know that in the current era of music a lot is superficial so he was afraid it would affect his work. Over time, and as it happens to all of us, he began to embrace his body, he started to wear hats and to have new looks.

Inspired by what was happening to him, he started a new project called: La musica pelada, where within his musical tracks there were reflective lyrics about what men worry about from time to time and make our hair stand on end (still haha).

Years later, he continues working as a music producer, his interviews are increasingly funny and full of anecdotes, he helped a lot even singers and musicians who had almost the same problem. We could say that Braden was the revolutionary "bald" of Canada (?

Currently my account consists of:


Today I decided to open packs (I clarify that it was after taking the status screenshots) so I'm going to show you what I got:

Oh, today's pack opening wasn't good :( only 2 people and a lot of weird instruments, I didn't like it, I hope tomorrow's pack opening is better :D

Apart from this, I'm also going to buy a UNIQUE card (that is, I don't have it in my collection) to improve little by little and it's the following:

If you are interested in playing RisingStar, here is my referral link

You can also join the official discord server to chat with other players and resolve all your doubts through the following link



Esta es la historia de Braden.

Era una mañana demasiado fria en Toronto cuando Braden desperto mareado con una sensacion rara en su cabeza. Al ir al baño se dio cuenta que su cabello no era el de antes. A sus 25 años, Braden era un productor musical reconocido en la indie de Canada.

El había crecido en un pequeño pueblo, donde desde niño pasaba horas escuchando discos de vinilo de sus padres, algo que le fascinaba. A los 18 años, se habia mudado a Toronto para estudiar produccion musical y con el tiempo logro abrirse camino en la industria. Sin embargo, el estres que conlleva, las noches sin dormir y la presion comenzaron a pasarle factura.

Un dia tras mezclar pistas en su estudio debia ir al peluquero porque ya tenia agendada una cita. Alli mismo, el peluquero le confirmo lo que Braden sospechaba: se estaba quedando calvo.

Al principio, Braden se sintio muy inseguro, y es que uno conoce que en la epoca actual de la musica mucho es superficial por lo que temia que le afecte a su trabajo. Con el tiempo, y como a todos nos sucede, comenzo a abrazar su mismo cuerpo, comenzo a utilizar sombreros y a tener nuevos looks.

Inspirado por lo que le estaba pasando, inicio un nuevo proyecto denominado : La musica pelada, donde dentro de sus pistas musicales habia letras reflexivas sobre lo que a los hombres de vez en cuando nos preocupa y nos lleva a ponernos los pelos de punta (todavia jaja).

Años mas tarde, El continua trabajando de productor musical, sus entrevistas cada vez son mas graciosas y llenas de anecdotas, ayudo mucho hasta a cantantes y musicos que tenian casi el mismo problema. Podriamos decir que Braden fue el "pelado" revolucionario de Canada (?

Actualmente mi cuenta consta de:


Hoy decidi hacer una apertura de packs (aclaro que fue despues de tomar las capturas de status) por lo que voy a mostrarles que me salio:

oh, la apertura de packs de hoy no fue buena :( solo 2 personas y muchos instrumentos raros, no me gusto, espero que la del dia de mañana este mejor :D

aparte de esto tambien voy a comprar 1 carta UNICA (Es decir que no la tengo en mi coleccion) para ir mejorando de a poco y es la siguiente:

Si te interesa jugar a RisingStar te dejo mi link de referido

También puedes unirte al servidor oficial de discord para chatear con otros jugadores y resolver todas tus dudas a través del siguiente enlace

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