⭐Bizzo, the rapper + Rising Star Opening pack + Stats⭐



This is the story of Bizzo.

In the streets of a poor neighborhood, the legend of Michael "Bizzo" was born. From a young age, Bizzo found his refuge in rap so much so that at 16, he was already known for going to rap battle events.

But success sooner or later led him down the path of parties, drugs, easy money, prostitutes and bad friendships.

One day, after a fight with his best friend who also made music, Bizzo found himself walking aimlessly through the streets until he reached the door of a small church, something there chained him, the choir of the church began to calm his anger and his heart calmed down.

The priest of the church was an older black man who had gone through things so personal that talking about forgiveness and redemption was something that one felt personally. Bizzo was not even remotely religious, but something changed in him that day, his mind and body felt different. He began to attend church in secret because if other rappers found out they could use it against him. After a few months he began to actively participate in the church.

When his friends found out they made fun of him but Bizzo didn't give them any importance. After a few weeks he began to write new songs about the fight he was carrying out and how the church had been a second home for him and his fight.

Little by little he began to become known in events that went from his city to regional battles, he began to travel to return to his roots but with a tone and a different visibility than at that time. His point of view of reality had changed completely and he had a goal in mind to pursue.

Bizzo did not consider himself a saint or that he had been completely cured, he was just another sinner but he had found something that gave him peace. He continued rapping and fighting because in the reality in which he lived many people had problems with drugs and the night. He just wanted to give them a hand to be able to help them in everything.

Currently my account consists of:


Today I decided to open packs (I clarify that it was after taking the status screenshots) so I'm going to show you what I got:

Today's card opening was good since I was able to get 2 rares in a pack, I didn't get any epics or legendaries so I'll have to keep buying packs to see if I get them someday xd

Apart from this, I'm also going to buy a UNIQUE card (that is, I don't have it in my collection) to improve little by little and it's the following:

If you are interested in playing RisingStar, here is my referral link

You can also join the official discord server to chat with other players and resolve all your doubts through the following link



Esta es la historia de Bizzo.

En las calles de un barrio humilde nacio la leyenda de Michael "Bizzo". Desde pequeño, Bizzo encontro en el rap su refugio tanto que a los 16 años, ya era conocido por ir a eventos de batallas de rap.

Pero el exito tarde o temprano lo llevo por el camino de las fiestas, de las drogas, el dinero facil, las prostitutas y las malas amistades.

Un dia, tras una pelea con su mejor amigo quien tambien realizaba musica, Bizzo se encontró caminando sin rumbo por las calles hasta llegar a la puerta de una pequeña iglesia, algo alli lo encadeno, el coro de la misma empezaba a calmar su ira y su corazon se apaciguaba.

El cura de la iglesia era un hombre negro mayor quien habia pasado cosas tan personales que hablar sobre el perdon y la redencion era algo de lo que uno sentia personalmente. Bizzo no era ni por asomo religioso, pero algo cambio en el ese dia, su mente y cuerpo se sentian distintos. Comenzó a asistir a la iglesia en secreto ya que si se enteraban los demas raperos podrian usarlo en su contra. Pasados los meses comenzo a participar activamente en la iglesia.

Al enterarse sus amigos se burlaron de el pero Bizzo no les dio importancia. Pasadas las semanas comenzo a escribir nuevas canciones sobre la lucha que estaba realizando y como la iglesia habia sido una segunda casa para el y su lucha.

Poco a poco se empezo a dar a conocer en eventos que pasaban de su ciudad a batallas regionales, comenzo a viajar para volver a sus raices pero con un tono y una visibilidad diferente a la de aquel entonces. Su punto de vista de la realidad habia cambiado completamente y el tenia un objetivo en mente el cual perseguir.

Bizzo no se consideraba una persona santa ni que se habia curado completamente, era un pecador mas pero habia encontrado algo que le daba paz. Siguio rapeando y batallando ya que en la realidad en la cual vivia muchas personas tenian problemas con las drogas y la noche. El solo queria darles una mano para poder ayudarles en todo.

Actualmente mi cuenta consta de:


Hoy decidi hacer una apertura de packs (aclaro que fue despues de tomar las capturas de status) por lo que voy a mostrarles que me salio:

La apertura de cartas de hoy estuvo bien ya que pude conseguir 2 raras en un pack, no me salieron epicas ni legendarias asi que debere seguir comprando packs para ver si algun dia me salen xd

aparte de esto tambien voy a comprar 1 carta UNICA (Es decir que no la tengo en mi coleccion) para ir mejorando de a poco y es la siguiente:

Si te interesa jugar a RisingStar te dejo mi link de referido

También puedes unirte al servidor oficial de discord para chatear con otros jugadores y resolver todas tus dudas a través del siguiente enlace

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